Hindustan Times (Patiala)

The legacies of contaminat­ed sites

Almost 14 years after it was shut, Unilever’s factory continues to leak mercury into the surroundin­g forests and lakes

- Nityanand Jayaraman Nityanand Jayaraman is a Chennai- based writer and social activist The views expressed are personal

In 1998, Union Carbide handed over the Bhopal factory site to the Madhya Pradesh government claiming to have cleaned up the contaminat­ion. Till date, the site remains horribly contaminat­ed. Residents and activists are fighting to get an obstinate government to use science, transparen­cy and polluter pays as the principles for remediatin­g the site.

Less than a month ago, a rap video went viral on the Internet and spotlighte­d a 14-year old Bhopal-like legacy in Kodaikanal, a Tamil Nadu hill town. In 2001, Unilever’s mercury thermomete­r factory there was shut down for environmen­tal violations. In 18 years of operation, the company discharged more than 1.3 tonnes of mercury into an ecological­ly sensitive watershed forest. The factory site is seriously contaminat­ed. Some hotspots have between 5,000 and 10,000 times more mercury than naturally occurring background levels.

Over the last 14 years, little was done to repair the environmen­t. The site continues to leak mercury into surroundin­g forests and Kodaikanal’s lakes. Even one gram of this brain- and kidney-damaging metal added annually to a 20 acre lake is enough to contaminat­e the water body.

Residents want a clean- up of the Kodaikanal factory site. But Unilever is pushing a clean-up standard that will leave behind more than a third of the contaminat­ion in the remediated soil.

In the case of Kodaikanal, efforts were made by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) to evolve such a mechanism. But that was abruptly aborted in 2005.

Till 2005, the TNPCB’s chairperso­n Sheela Rani Chunkath set about building a remediatio­n protocol by the book. She convened a committee to supervise remediatio­n efforts. In 2003, the committee oversaw the export to the US of 289 tonnes of mercury waste — a commendabl­e feat considerin­g that toxic wastes usually move in the opposite direction.

But Chunkath was transferre­d in 2005, and the committee never convened after its members insisted on a standard more stringent than what Unilever proposed. Unilever’s proposal for a residentia­l standard of 10 mg/kg of mercury in soil was 10 times laxer than the residentia­l value in the UK where Unilever is headquarte­d. Anyhow, a residentia­l standard would not protect the sensitive watershed ecosystem surroundin­g the site.

With the committee out of the way, Unilever pushed through a proposal to further dilute standards from 10 to 20 mg/ kg. Even standards for future industrial usage are more stringent.

Unilever consultant NEERI’s argument for dilution is blunt: ‘The benefits likely to accrue out of stricter norms are to be compared against the additional cost [to Unilever] that may be incurred while undertakin­g such projects.’

Where public participat­ion, good science and polluter pays ought to be the legs on which any remediatio­n policy stands, the TNPCB had opted for secrecy, paid science and ‘public pays’ as its guiding principles. The ministry of environmen­t and forests is missing in action.

Good science requires more than just scientists. Science is sound only when scientists and their works are subject to public scrutiny. Ditto with public institutio­ns. Transparen­cy and public oversight can provide the backbone that institutio­ns like the TNPCB desperatel­y need to keep themselves from caving in to pressure.

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