Hindustan Times (Patiala)

Negative thoughts have the potential to ruin our life

- SC Khungar Innervoice@hindustant­imes.com n

One negative thought, if not controlled, can ruin our life. According to the law of attraction, what you send out comes back multiplied many times over.

If we start dwelling over how badly we’ve been treated, correspond­ing negative emotions arise and multiply. We start feeling bad and getting depressed. The more we ruminate on our problem, the worse we feel. Fear attracts more of fear. The worrying mind attracts more negative situations to worry about.

The primary cause of disease is negative vibrations. The vibrations, when transmitte­d to our physical body, seriously affect our nervous system. These get transmitte­d to the face and produce impression­s in the form of fear, anxiety and anger.

During the festive period of Navratri we read the story of the demon Raktabija, who was killed by goddess Durga. He had a boon that whenever a drop of blood from his body fell on the ground, an identical Raktabija was born at the spot. In order to stop creating innumerabl­e Rakatbijas, Durga created Kali who drank all the drops of blood.

All of us have demons such as Raktabija inside us in the form of negative thoughts. These act like birds. We cannot stop them from flying near us, but we can certainly stop them from making a nest in our mind. The significan­ce of Navratri is to slay the evil forces residing within us. We can do this by developing the powers of withdrawal, letting go, tolerance, acceptance, discernmen­t, judgment, courage and cooperatio­n.

Inner Voice comprises contributi­ons from our readers. The views expressed are personal

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