Hindustan Times (Patiala)

It’s time to stop this fraud squad

Moral policing has an added element now — extortion


Statistics shows that crimes against women are on the rise. Given this, any move by a government to increase women’s safety should be welcomed. But Uttar Pradesh’s anti-Romeo squads, set up by chief minister Yogi Adityanath with the aim of protecting women from public harassment, has been in the news for the wrong reasons. Police personnel were appointed to these squads which started operations in March, but soon the initiative was hijacked by vigilante groups that misused this for moral policing and in some cases targeting minorities. An investigat­ive report by a TV news channel recently exposed these squads indulging in extortion and falsely implicatin­g innocent people. It’s alarming to see that police officers, meant to protect and serve, misuse their power. Corruption in any form needs to be condemned and its causes need to be rooted out — this is all the more important if this corruption is among those meant to prevent it.

While the intention behind Mr Adityanath’s initiative is praisewort­hy, the anti-Romeo squads have proved to be counterpro­ductive. Far from protecting women, this initiative has opened a Pandora’s box: The media report proves that officers meant to safeguard the law are abusing it. It has also encouraged vigilante groups to take the law into their hands and attack couples, even reviving the love-jihad bogey. It is not too late for the chief minister to disband the squad, because, so far, it has done more damage than good. We do not need squads that double as mercenarie­s for public safety, and we do not need moral policing dictating the way our youth conduct themselves. Good, sensible policing at the grassroots level can ensure that law and order is maintained. Programmes like the anti-Romeo squads end up giving India a bad name. A Statesanct­ioned squad whose duty is to round up couples and harass youngsters should have no place in an India which wants to be perceived as progressiv­e and inclusive.

The UP government must not only take action against errant cops but also consider dissolving these anti-Romeo squads.

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