Hindustan Times (Patiala)

Pakistan pacers will not trouble India: Gambhir


Pakistani pacers have managed to subdue the rival batsmen en route to the Champions Trophy final but Gautam Gambhir does not see them posing any serious threat to Indian batsmen in the title clash.

The Pakistani attack, comprising the likes of Mohammed Amir, Junaid Khan and Hasan Ali, has gone from strength to strength. They were exceptiona­l against Sri Lanka and very impressive against England in the semifinals.

Gambhir is of the view that for Pakistani pacers to make an impact tomorrow in London, help from the conditions is imperative. “For years the India-Pakistan contest has been a battle between India’s batting and Pakistan bowling. Earlier, it used to be Shoaib (Akhtar) and Umar Gul vs us and now Amir is their best bowler. Given the flat nature of wickets in the competitio­n so far I don’t see any threat for India. May be Amir can do something out of ordinary, conditions permitting,” Gambhir said.


As far as India’s attack is concerned, Gambhir felt that it’s time that paceman Umesh Yadav be brought back in the playing eleven. Spinner R Ashwin replaced Yadav in the team after first two matches in the group stage. “I know it is a tricky one but given that the Oval pitch has bounce I would be tempted to play Umesh. Besides, any subcontine­ntal team is generally comfortabl­e against spin which is another reason why I would prefer Umesh although Ashwin too is a fantastic competitor,” Gambhir felt.


There has always been a lot of hype associated with India-Pakistan matches. This Pakistani side does not have many stars. In the past, there have always been contests within contests like between a Sachin Tendulkar and fearsome Shoaib Akhtar. PTI

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