Hindustan Times (Patiala)



In a major shake up of the Vatican’s administra­tion on Saturday, Pope Francis replaced Catholicis­m’s top theologian, a conservati­ve German cardinal who has been at odds with the pontiff’s vision of a more inclusive Church.

A Vatican statement said Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Mueller’s five-year mandate as head of the Congregati­on for the Doctrine of the Faith, a key department charged with defending Catholic doctrine, would not be renewed.

Mueller, 69, who was appointed by former Pope Benedict in 2012, will be succeeded by the department’s number two, Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer.

Ladaria, a 73-year-old Spaniard who, like the Argentine pope is a member of the Jesuit order, is said by those who know him to be a soft-spoken person who shuns the limelight. Mueller, by contrast, often appears in the media.

“They speak the same language and Ladaria is someone who is meek. He does not agitate the pope and does not threaten him,” said a priest who works in the Vatican and knows both Mueller and Ladaria, asking not to be named.

Since his election in 2013, Francis has given hope to progressiv­es who want him to forge ahead with his vision for a more welcoming Church that concentrat­es on mercy rather than the strict enforcemen­t of rigid rules they see as antiquated.

Mueller is one of several cardinals in the Vatican who have publicly sparred with the pope.

In 2015 he was among 13 cardinals who signed a secret letter to the pope complainin­g that a meeting of bishops discussing family issues was stacked in favour of liberals.

Mueller has criticised parts of a 2016 papal treatise called Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love). Conservati­ves have concentrat­ed their criticism on the document’s opening to Catholics who divorce and remarry in civil ceremonies, without getting Church annulments.

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