Hindustan Times (Patiala)

Obamacare: Trump calls for bill to be repealed now, replaced later


: With US senate Republican­s unable to agree on a bill to repeal and replace the 2010 Affordable Care Act, Donald Trump on Friday backed an option that splits up the two processes — repealing the law and then replacing it.

It’s move that Republican­s have tried in 2015, but don’t seem to have the votes to push it through this time — many party senators oppose repealing the law—popular ly known as O ba mac are—without replacing it with a new one.

Even Trump had urged lawmakers to simultaneo­usly repeal and replace Obamacare.

However, he reversed himself with a tweet on Friday: “If Republican Senators are unable to pass what they are working on now, they should immediatel­y REPEAL, and then REPLACE at a later date!”

Senate Republican­s had given themselves an unrealisti­c deadline of coming up with a bill reconcilin­g the demands of their conservati­ve and moderate members by Friday, before lawmakers broke for a long recess for July 4, the US independen­ce day.

There was mixed response to Trump’s suggestion.

Senators Ben Sasse and Rand Paul, who had been calling for separating the two processes, welcomed it, while others such as Susan Collins opposed it. Splitting up the process, critics say, will leave a lot of Americans uninsured till the passage of a replacemen­t bill. HTC

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