Hindustan Times (Patiala)



We perceive encephalit­is as a disease of the poor and, more especially, their children and, consequent­ly, our response is one of callous unconcern. It occurs in distant Gorakhpur, which is not just far away but, virtually, another country. How many even know where it is?

Yet the truth is encephalit­is can happen to anyone, of any age and anywhere in the world. Nisha, my wife, was 33 when she succumbed in London. The only countries she had visited in the preceding six weeks were Canada and The Netherland­s.

In the same year, 1989, Deepak, my best man Praveen Anand’s brother, died of encephalit­is in Bombay. Quite possibly, neither Nisha nor Deepak had even heard of Gorakhpur or its notorious connection with this killer disease.

Encephalit­is is a viral infection of several types which can be air or water borne, the result of a mosquito bite or spread by ticks. Most of the time it manifests itself as a fever, cold or headache. It’s only when it crosses the blood-brain barrier that it can become life-threatenin­g.

There’s no cure for encephalit­is. It can only be treated. However, there is a vaccinatio­n for one form of the disease, Japanese encephalit­is. Yet, year after year hundreds, sometimes thousands, of children in Gorakhpur die of Japanese encephalit­is. Their deaths are clearly avoidable but our lack of concern permits them to happen.

It’s not that we don’t realise this. We just don’t care. As Gorakhpur MP, Yogi Adityanath raised this issue in Parliament 20 times between 2003 and 2014. In 2009 he pointed out to the Lok Sabha that Japanese encephalit­is first appeared in UP in 1978 but 31 years later “a large part of eastern UP and west- ern Bihar are in the grip of an epidemic and every year thousands of children die because of this disease.”

The Yogi made similar speeches in 2011 and 2013. In 2014, he directly addressed his own BJP government and, in particular, health minister JP Nadda. But deaths from Japanese encephalit­is continued. Thus, between 2004 and 2017, there was a total of 15,315 – 54% or 8,267 in UP alone.

Today, the Yogi is chief minister of UP. Now he has the opportunit­y to do more than raise concern. He can also act decisively and I’m sure he will. But the message from Amit Shah, the powerful BJP president, is hardly encouragin­g: “In this big country there have been many tragedies and this is not the first time. Tragedies have occurred under Congress rule too.”

I’m confident the Yogi is one politician who knows that encephalit­is deaths cannot be viewed as just another tragedy. He knows many are preventabl­e. If they’re not, then, they are, in fact, man-made.

Indeed, recent research suggests many children who’ve died of encephalit­is were actually admitted to hospital in Gorakhpur with scrub typhus, a mite-borne disease endemic in Uttar Pradesh. Because it wasn’t diagnosed and, therefore, treated it led to inflammati­on of the brain, the worst form of encephalit­is. If this hypothesis is correct, these deaths were also avoidable. Now that he’s chief minister the Yogi must establish the truth. After all, these were children of his constituen­cy.

This is why I don’t support calls for his resignatio­n. This is one moment when he must dig in his heels and fight as he’s never fought before. More than protecting cows and far more than arresting Romeos, eradicatin­g encephalit­is is the greatest challenge the Yogi faces. I pray for his success.

The views expressed are personal

 ?? PTI ?? Now Yogi Adityanath has the chance to do more than just raise concern
PTI Now Yogi Adityanath has the chance to do more than just raise concern
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