Hindustan Times (Patiala)



It is clear that major political parties have been trying to get the support of Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh to garner votes for the past 20 years. Political patronage helped him manipulate a large number of people. Inexpensiv­e medical and education facilities he offered at the dera meant that he influenced most people from the poor and the backward classes. Politician­s must be held accountabl­e for the violence in the region, and for allowing such self-styled godmen to misguide the illiterate population of the country. Nitin Singh, Ambala


Finally, the long arm of justice has caught up with Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh. Though thousands of his followers created trouble in Panchkula and elsewhere, the court verdict sentencing him to jail for 20 years proves that crime never pays. Hats off to the judiciary for upholding the rule of law and for refusing to be cowed down by the show of strength by the unruly dera supporters.

Sanchit Jain, Amritsar


The arrest of Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh proves that the law is equal for all. The judiciary’s decision has proved that those in power will be held accountabl­e if they breach the law. Bhawini Khanna


India is a country of self-styled godmen. Unfortunat­ely, many of them only take people for a ride. I am glad that the CBI judge had the courage to sentence Dera Sacha Sauda chief to 20 years in prison. This judgment will send a message to all those fake godmen who try to exploit their disciples. Madhav Sharma,



The law has finally caught up with Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh. There is no denying the fact that there were unholy goings-on in the dera for a long time, yet nobody had the guts to point a finger at the Baba. Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar, went soft on the dera and its followers due to the vote-bank politics. I am glad the law finally took its own course, and the baba is behind bars now. But had politician­s not shielded him, he would have been in jail a long time ago. Shemsher B Singh,



Today, a vote is more important than a human life. The chief justice of Punjab and Haryana high court accused the Haryana government of “political surrender for vote bank”. The Haryana government knew of the consequenc­es of an adverse verdict in the Gurmeet Singh Ram Rahim case, yet it did not stop the dera followers from streaming into Panchkula. The HC wondered how thousands of people had managed to gather in Panchkula despite the imposition of Section 144. The Haryana government is responsibl­e for the death of 33 people. I applaud the high court for nailing the state government. Amit Kumar, Amritsar

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