Hindustan Times (Patiala)

GNDU prof kidnap: Of marriage plan, breakup, and the meeting mystery

Garry, now accused of kidnapping Sukhpreet, was in matrimonia­l talks with her in 2014


Parampreet Singh Narula n parampreet.narula@hindustant­imes.com

Singh Virk, alias Garry, 30, the man from Kharar in Mohali booked for allegedly kidnapping Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU) assistant professor Sukhpreet Kaur from Amritsar, had met her family and her after responding to a matrimonia­l advertisem­ent in October 2014, say her family.

However, the family — from Nathuwala village of Baghapuran­a, 40km from the district headquarte­rs Moga — said that after three months the families mutually agreed to not go ahead with the marriage. It was Garry’s mother who said he was not good enough for Sukhpreet, claimed her brother while talking to Hindustan Times on Monday, which also happened to be her birthday.


Three years on, on September 11, Sukhpreet left a note in her hostel room at GNDU that she was going to meet Garry, who was coming to “return the money he had borrowed” from her.

On Friday, the kidnap was reported by the father. In the note, she had said that Garry be held responsibl­e if anything happened to her.

The police booked Garry as he initially sought ransom of Rs 3 lakh on Thursday through a message to the victim’s father Seerat Singh and brother Sukhdeep Singh, alias Deep, from her mobile phone. The ransom demand later rose to Rs 30 lakh. Besides the Rs 53,000 already in her account, Deep deposited Rs 20,000 and Rs 18,000 in it, and the accused withdrew the entire Rs 91,000 from ATMs in Punjab and Delhi.

A latest clue is that he was seen alone in the front seats of his Honda City sedan captured in a security camera at the DelhiJaipu­r highway toll plaza on Sunday evening.

‘HE OWED HER ~26,000’

“In the three-month period when Sukhpreet was in contact with him, Garry borrowed Rs 26,000 from my sister on the pretext that he needed the money for business and will return it soon. In good faith, she gave the money but, after breaking up the matrimonia­l talks, he never spoke of that amount,” Deep said.

He claimed that it was only Friday that they got to know from her note that Garry had come to meet her. “Sukhpreet didn’t tell us or her friends regarding any contact with him. It was surprising for us when police found the note mentioning his name,” he said.


At the time of the matrimonia­l talks in 2014, he allegedly introduced himself as being from an “influentia­l family”. “He used to used a car bearing a red beacon, which he claimed his family was authorised to use as his father was with the Punjab governor,” Sukhdeep further said.

It is this Honda City sedan that’s seen in the latest CCTV footage.

He also claimed he had a business in Australia and his father worked with the Punjab governor; actually, the father retired as the governor’s driver, and he is said to be into share trading here, said Deep.

“After returning from a visit to Australia in January 2015, Garry’s mother told us that her son was not worth Sukhpreet as he didn’t have any business or job and was just making false claims. At this, our family decided against the marriage plans. Never after that did we contact him or the family,” he claimed.

“Today (Monday) is Sukhpreet’s birthday, and this will be the first birthday when she is not with us,” an emotional Deep said.

 ?? HT ?? n Sukhpreet father Seerat Singh and mother Malkiat Kaur with her photo at their home in Nathuwala village of Moga on Monday.
HT n Sukhpreet father Seerat Singh and mother Malkiat Kaur with her photo at their home in Nathuwala village of Moga on Monday.
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