Hindustan Times (Patiala)

Left sceptical over Cong’s grand pact in 2019 to curb ‘BJP’s fascism’

- Prabhjit Singh and Sarbmeet Singh letterschd@hindustant­imes.com

:Resolving that defeating the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP’s) fascism cannot be reduced to an electoral challenge, the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation, which is among the smaller Left parties electorall­y, began its 5-day national convention on Saturday. The opening day draft resolution expressed its scepticism for any grand alliance under the Congress for 2019 general elections.

“We already see the Congress trying to compete with the BJP on religio-cultural terms dictated by the latter,” the resolution states. Over 1,400 delegates are attending the 10th Party Congress.

The draft resolution takes a dig at the Congress, citing instances ‘where the Congress attempt to take the wind out of the BJP’s Hindutva sail, through competitiv­e invocation of that party’s slogan, only played into the saffron party’s hand’.

“The migration of the Congress unit in Tripura to the BJP in the assembly elections exposed its vulnerabil­ity in contending with an aggressive BJP,” CPI (ML)-Liberation general secretary Dipankar Bhattachar­ya said.

He added that the BJP was now not just looking at another term in power, but was bent upon reshaping India “in accordance with the Hindu supremacis­t blueprint of the RSS even as the latter marches towards its centenary in 2025.”

He also cited how other forces were also falling for the BJP, criticisin­g Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar for joining hands with it.

CPM’s politburo member and Lok Sabha MP Mohammad Salim endorsed the fears of ‘the rise of fascist forces and attacks on not only Muslims, but also on other minority social and cultural identities’.

Revolution­ary Marxist Party of India general secretary, Mangat Ram Pasla, and Forward Block’s Dev Raj conveyed their stand of having no dealings with the Congress in 2019 elections. CPI national executive member Binoy Visavama called for the ‘the unity of all Left forces’.


Delegates from Australia, Bangladesh, London and Sri Lanka said the ‘Leftist movement’ needed to brain-storm. Susan and Tony from Socialist Alliance Party (SAP) in Australia, said, “We are here to learn from experience­s of Left parties in India.” Admitting that there was racism in Australia, Tony said, “Non-whites face discrimina­tion from whites. Our party demands free education for all students in Australia, irrespecti­ve of nationalit­y.”

Saiful Huq, general secretary, Revolution­ary Workers Party of Bangaldesh (RWPB), said, “In Bangaldesh, we have fascism as the electoral system has been dismantled by Awami league led by prime minister Sheikh Hasina.”

Kalpana, a delegate from South Asia Solidarity Group, said, “We are here to see how people raise their voice against fascism, now an internatio­nal issue.”


Bhattachar­ya, general secretary, CPI (ML) Liberation, said, “Farooq Tariq from Awami Workers’ Party and Taimur Rahman from Communist Mazdoor Kisan Party were denied visa. We are showing their video messages on stage.”

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