Hindustan Times (Patiala)

Give kids liberty to chart own course

- Sunita Monga sunita.monga1980@yahoo.com n The writer is a freelance contributo­r

When my daughter’s school result was out, a wave of happiness swept our home. She had stood first in class.

With the new session beginning, we trooped to the book shop and undertook the marathon book covering session at the dining table. On the day of the new academic session, she was smartly turned out in a brand new, though oversized, uniform.

The world will seem new, at least for a couple of days, for her. I was delightful­ly busy in setting her things in order when I found her father in a pensive mood. His gaze was fixed on the ceiling as if lost in a thought. “What’s the matter Mr Husband,” I asked. “Nothing, everything is alright”, he assured. But I was not convinced. When I prodded on, he said, “Our daughter is growing up. I dream of seeing her as a famous doctor when she grows up.”

My daughter was in the adjacent room but heard our conversati­on about her career plans. Hurriedly, she came to our room and declared that she will definitely become a doctor. “Have you not noticed me playing Doctor Doctor with my brother?” she said.

The discussion ended there and I got busy wrapping her newly bought set of books. But the worries of my husband about making our child a doctor now began to worry me. It was my turn to turn pensive.

From the formative years of our children, we start chalking out plans to shape their careers by dreaming of making them doctors, engineers, lawyers, civil servants and what not. But most of the time, we don’t bother to recognise the innate abilities of our children and attempt to impose our own choices on them.

I have often observed that my daughter is good at drawing. What if tomorrow she chooses to paint her career colourful with brushes and palette? Will my husband foist his diktat on her? I am aware of many cases where children succumb to parental pressure in deciding their career options.

Parents should give their children the liberty to chart their own course when it comes to a career or following the heart. At least, I will not let my husband impose his choice on our children.


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