Hindustan Times (Patiala)

US offers ‘unique’ deal to North Korea before Trump-Kim meet

- letters@hindustant­imes.com n

SINGAPORE: The US has offered North Korea “unique” security guarantees to persuade it to give up its nuclear arsenal, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Monday, on the eve of a historic summit in Singapore.

The White House said preparator­y negotiatio­ns had “moved more quickly than expected” and Donald Trump would leave Tuesday evening after his talks with Kim Jong Un, ruling out the possibilit­y the unpreceden­ted tete-atete would run to two days.

The meeting, long sought by Pyongyang, will be the first ever between a serving US president and a North Korean leader, and will focus on the nuclear bombs and ballistic missiles the North has spent decades developing.

Just hours ahead of the crunch talks, Kim left his luxury hotel for a night-time stroll around some of Singapore’s main sights, even posing for selfies with his guide, the city-state’s foreign minister.

Setting out the US position before the summit, Pompeo stressed that the Trump administra­tion would only accept complete denucleari­sation of the North. But in return, Washington would offer “different and unique” guarantees “to provide them sufficient certainty that they can be comfortabl­e that denucleari­sation is not something that ends badly for them”.

He refused to go into details. But the North has long sought an end to the US military presence in the South, where Washington has around 28,000 troops stationed to protect it from its neighbour.

Pyongyang has demanded the end of what it calls a “hostile policy” towards it, but in public has only pledged to pursue the denucleari­sation of the Korean peninsula -- a euphemism open to wide difference­s of interpreta­tion.

Washington is eager to see if the North’s pledges were “sincere”, Pompeo said, adding: “The United States has been fooled before.”

Verificati­on would be key, he went on, saying many deals had been signed before only to find “the North Koreans did not promise what they said”.

The North, which has been subjected to increasing­ly strict sanctions by the UN Security Council and others, has made promises of change in the past, such as at the lengthy Six Party Talks process, only for the agreements to collapse later.

 ?? REUTERS ?? North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un at a hotel in Singapore on Monday.
REUTERS North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un at a hotel in Singapore on Monday.

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