Hindustan Times (Patiala)



By institutin­g a credible cycloneres­ponse system in Odisha, Fani claimed 64 lives unlike the ‘super cyclone’ that struck Odisha in 1999 and killed around 10,000 people. Nonetheles­s, the physical damage inflicted by Fani is comparable with 1999 – with an estimated 1.5 crore people affected in 14 districts. In fact, large parts of Bhubaneswa­r and the entire Puri district remain without electricit­y as the administra­tion struggles with the colossal task of repairing thousands of kilometres of low-tension power lines and transforme­rs. Similarly, issues of drinking water, food supplies, damage to houses and buildings, limited cash at ATMs and fuel stations, and the destructio­n of one-third of the state’s crop with 34 lakh livestock, taken together are estimated to be ₹50,000 crore. Odisha requires the Centre and other states to pitch in. Sanjay Chopra, Mohali

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