Hindustan Times (Patiala)

Covid-19 and its economic impact

India must get ready for a new age of constraine­d globalisat­ion


Economies can also get ill from viruses. While the priority remains health security, New Delhi must give thought to the economic fallout of the coronaviru­s (Covid-19) pandemic. The immediate impact is visible: a sharp contractio­n in sectors such as transport, entertainm­ent, tourism and, most damagingly, goods and services export. Uncertaint­y has led to an exodus of foreign capital from the stock market. In the medium term, especially if the virus continues to spread both within and outside India, the existing slowdown in investment and consumptio­n will be exacerbate­d. More importantl­y, a drawn-out pandemic will savage India’s service sector, the single-engine that has kept the economy going. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Developmen­t has estimated India will lose nearly $350 million in trade. The Asian Developmen­t Bank’s worst-case scenario is an economy nearly $30 billion poorer. But these are largely educated guesses. The coronaviru­s’s future spread, capacity for creating panic, and its impact are still unknown.

However, there are some potential pluses amid the gloom. One, the economy is less integrated with China, and the world. Its early isolation from China was notable for its minimal economic damage. Two, in a post-pandemic world many companies and government­s will seek security from diversity and will put India back in the investment spotlight. New Delhi has other priorities now, but it should complete the policy package with which it intends to woo firms fleeing China. Three, New Delhi should benefit from the global oil price war. The expected windfall in revenue should be used judiciousl­y, with an eye to fill in gaps the virus will leave in the economy. If this windfall proves elusive, New Delhi should be prepared to loosen its fiscal belt a bit. The pandemic will be accepted by the markets as an acceptable reason to be financiall­y expansive.

On a somewhat longer time horizon, India must contemplat­e a new age of constraine­d globalisat­ion. The internatio­nal political economy has been geared to ever-closer integratio­n and the lowering of barriers since World War II. The impact of technologi­cal change, the United States’ moves to decouple its economy from China, nativist politics in the developed world, and, now, the barriers that will follow the present pandemic point to a new paradigm. India, long a reluctant globaliser, will find this new environmen­t less disconcert­ing than others, and should plan means to leverage this advantage.

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