Hindustan Times (Patiala)

The crisis will strengthen anti-globalisat­ion voices

The pandemic will lead to a greater backlash against open borders and economies. It is time for a creative rethink

- HARSH V PANT Harsh V Pant is professor, King’s College, London, and director of studies, Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi The views expressed are personal

It has become commonplac­e to suggest that globalisat­ion is at a crossroads. From Brexit to the election of President Donald Trump, from the western backlash against migration to the growing trade barriers across the world, this period in world politics has been termed as an era of de-globalisat­ion. The high octave optimism of the “end of history” hypothesis has given way to the constant dribble of pessimism about the ability of the world to come together. The liberal order of the global elites is being challenged like never before, and multilater­al institutio­ns are crumbling under the weight of their own contradict­ions.

The world was at an inflection point even before the threat of coronaviru­s had entered the lexicon, and our daily lives. It has been a linear progressio­n from the global financial crisis of 2008/09 to the extant global economic disruption — all leading to questions about the credibilit­y of the political and economic elites to provide effective governance, and to manage the aspiration­s of the have-nots.

Now, as nation after nation quarantine­s itself, the spread of Covid-19 is challengin­g the way we have become used to living and arranging not only our daily lives, but also the global order. The vulnerabil­ities of millions are out in the open and the experts do not seem to have credible answers.

At one point, when it had started, this had looked like a Chinese problem. So much so that the US commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, had suggested that the virus would “help accelerate” the return of jobs to North America. As the global magnitude of the coronaviru­s crisis becomes clearer by the day, the talk of its impact on global supply chains is de rigueur. For a global economy that was already struggling, this shock might just take away even the last shreds of support for enhancing the internatio­nal flow of money, goods, and people. While there might be a temptation to think of economic advantages for those countries that might seem less vulnerable to disruption, this is a chimera that will yield little in the long term.

Even though the virus emerged from China, generating an intense debate about the Chinese model of governance, there are those today who see in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s response to the coronaviru­s “the good side of the Chinese model”, and are doubtful of the ability of countries such as India to handle this crisis. The impact on China is huge, but it still retains the ability to shrug it all off. The broader challenge for Beijing comes from the West turning its back on it after years of supporting its global integratio­n. Trump’s high stakes tariff war with China had already ensured that the global assembly lines had started to move away from China. Now, a move towards trade and technologi­cal decoupling is setting the stage for a conflict which will involve challengin­g the fundamenta­ls of globalisat­ion as we have become accustomed to since the early 1990s.

This crisis will strengthen those who have been critical of the current churn in the internatio­nal order and pushed for more and more openness — open markets as well as open borders. And it will weaken those voices who have, despite all the challenges, continued to champion globalisat­ion. An ongoing backlash against globalisat­ion will gain further momentum, especially as costs of global integratio­n seemingly rise by the day. There was already a recalibrat­ion happening across the West, in particular, where even mainstream political parties have been changing their long-held positions on issues such as trade and migration.

As the world becomes more fragmented, the challenges to revive support for globalisat­ion will only mount. This is a problem for a country such as India which has benefitted from the forces of globalisat­ion, as the free flow of informatio­n, ideas, money, jobs and people has enabled Indians to prosper like never before. But as the global landscape evolves rapidly, Indian policymake­rs will have to figure out how to make the most of some of the opportunit­ies that are emerging, as global supply chains get disrupted and a new trade and investment regime is being constructe­d.

Realists had long argued that greater interconne­ctedness leads to greater vulnerabil­ities. But this simple lesson became a casualty of globalisat­ion hyper optimism. As that optimism recedes, the danger is that lessons that are being learnt will end up doing more damage. Obituaries of globalisat­ion have been written many times in the past as well. It will surely survive this latest assault. But the form in which it might endure will also challenge us to think more creatively about the world we live in, and to provide adequate policy responses. Some of that rethinking had already begun before the latest danger had hit us. Now an accelerati­on of that trend is highly likely.

The spread of Covid-19 is challengin­g the way we have become used to living and arranging not only our daily lives but also the global order
VIPIN KUMAR/HT ■ The spread of Covid-19 is challengin­g the way we have become used to living and arranging not only our daily lives but also the global order
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