Hindustan Times (Patiala)


- Yashwant Raj yashwant.raj@hindustant­imes.com

The Biden administra­tion on Wednesday pledged to a “most robust” military presence in the Indo-Pacific as well as in Europe, asserting the “deepest connection” with the two globally significan­t regions in a guidance report that outlined President Joe Biden’s national security strategy.

The paper, titled “Interim National Security Strategic Guidance”, stated the Biden administra­tion’s aim to “deepen” ties with India as a part of the strategy. The report portrayed an “increasing­ly assertive” China and “destabilis­ing” Russia as main adversarie­s confrontin­g the US, but it clearly held the former as the more consequent­ial of the two. China is “the only competitor potentiall­y capable of combining its economic, diplomatic, military and technologi­cal power to mount a sustained challenge to a stable and open internatio­nal system”, it said.

The US pivot to Asia — in response to and as an acknowledg­ement of China as a growing threat — started under Barack Obama, and then gathered steam on Donald Trump’s watch with the renaming of the US military’s Pacific Command as the Indo-Pacific Command.

It has been taken to a different level by the Biden administra­tion, accorded the same significan­ce as Europe, which has dominated US diplomatic and military thinking and spending for more than a century now, starting with World War I.

US secretary of state Antony Blinken said in a speech hours before the report was released, “The interim guidance lays out the global landscape as the Biden administra­tion sees it, explains the priorities of our foreign policy — and specifical­ly how we will renew America’s strength to meet the challenges and seize the opportunit­ies of our time.”

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