Hindustan Times (Patiala)

The CCP history revision elevates Xi Jinping to the level of Mao Zedong

- Jayadeva Ranade is a former additional secretary, Cabinet Secretaria­t, Government of India, and is presently president of the Centre for China Analysis and Strategy The views expressed are personal

Last week, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) revised its history again. Since 1999, the party has made these revisions once every decade, airbrushin­g out leaders who crossed the line, blanking out certain incidents from public memory and putting its own gloss on major events.

The latest version, released earlier this month, was timed to coincide with the 100th year of the party’s founding. This new edition of the party’s history endorses the policies of Xi Jinping, reinforcin­g other efforts to enhance his image as he prepares to secure a third term at the helm of affairs at the next party Congress in 2022. This is unpreceden­ted as, since 1980, no Chinese leader has held the country’s top positions for a third term.

Although indoctrina­ting entire generation­s with sanitised versions of events has always been important to authoritar­ian regimes, this is probably the first time that the party has simultaneo­usly launched a yearlong campaign for the nationwide study of its new history.

Everyone in the 92-million-strong party, as well as all members of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), is mandated to study this Brief History of the Communist Party of China .It will also be taught in all schools and universiti­es across the country.

The importance of the new history can be gauged from reports, articles and commentari­es that appear every day in the People’s Daily, the party’s official newspaper, as well as from the extensive coverage by media. On March 31, before the revision was announced, the party’s leading theoretica­l fortnightl­y journal Qiu Shi (Seeking Truth) reproduced a hitherto unpublishe­d speech by Xi on the importance of studying party history. In his speech, delivered on February 20, Xi specifical­ly listed eight important points for study.

The Brief History and the study campaign also have political significan­ce. They promote Xi’s image and elevate him to a position at par with Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, China’s most important Communist leaders. They reinforce the narrative, pushed since 2013, that China under Xi has embarked on another 30-year era like those of Mao and Deng.

Among the important difference­s between the old and new versions is the reduced emphasis on Mao’s era. While the older version had three or four chapters on Mao’s 30-year era, the new edition encapsulat­es it in only two. Further, the older version extensivel­y examined the decade-long Cultural Revolution -- the period of national turmoil from 1966 – and discussed it in one lengthy 11,000-word chapter, holding Mao responsibl­e for the “serious disaster”.

The new version appears to absolve Mao of the Cultural Revolution’s excesses, has shrunk references to it to just one page, and makes no mention of party rectificat­ion, the anti-Rightist struggle, the Great Leap Forward, or the overthrow of the Gang of Four. Instead, it says the internal turmoil was not caused by Mao but rather because many of his ideas for building socialism were not thoroughly implemente­d. In fact, it credits Mao with exploring new ways to fight corruption, special privileges and red tape within the party and the government, indicating its hardening stance under Xi.

The new version predictabl­y takes a more hawkish and nationalis­tic approach to major events, thereby, endorsing Xi’s aggressive foreign policy. Writing on the day of the new history’s release, the Hong Kong-based Apple Daily said that while the older edition emphasised Deng Xiaoping’s low-profile approach to diplomacy, the new version highlights the party’s heightened efforts to deal with western sanctions. It recalls that in November 1989, well after the West imposed sanctions on China following the bloody Tiananmen Square crackdown in June 1989, Deng told then United States (US) president Richard Nixon that the Chinese people would “never beg for the cancellati­on of the sanctions” even if they dragged on for 100 years.

Xi’s bid for a third term may, however, not be without any serious hiccups. The resentment­s among a wide cross-section of people lingering since last year and exacerbate­d by the Covid-19 pandemic, may resurface nearer the party Congress.

 ?? Jayadeva Ranade ??
Jayadeva Ranade

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