Hindustan Times (Patiala)

EU monitor says J&J jab requires warning label


AMSTERDAM: The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has recommende­d updating the informatio­n label for the coronaviru­s vaccine made by Johnson & Johnson, saying it should include warnings that a rare immune condition, tinnitus and dizziness are possible side effects.

In a statement, the EU drug regulator said a condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys blood cells needed for clotting, or immune thrombocyt­openia, is an “important identified risk” and health workers and people receiving the vaccine should be informed of this possible side effect.

The EMA’s expert group analysed more than 1,180 cases of people who reported dizziness and tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, after receiving the J&J jab and concluded they were linked to the vaccine’s administra­tion.

‘50% of Americans fully vaccinated against Covid’

Half of the US population is now fully vaccinated against Covid-19, the White House said on Friday, as inoculatio­ns rise.

Media company CNN has terminated three of its employees for going to the office unvaccinat­ed against the Covid-19 last week, according to a memo sent to staff internally on Thursday.

Also, California state will require all of its roughly 2.2 million healthcare workers and long-term care workers to be vaccinated by September 30.

In Italy, a Covid-19 certificat­ion rule took effect as part of the government’s plan to rein in a surge in infections. A “green pass” is now required to enter archaeolog­ical sites, gyms, theatres, indoor pools and the indoor sections of restaurant­s, bars and cafes.

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