Hindustan Times (Patiala)

India’s agenda in Afghanista­n

As an era of relative peace draws to an end, New Delhi must be united and prepared


On Thursday, external affairs minister S Jaishankar briefed 37 leaders from 31 parties in Parliament on Afghanista­n. The minister outlined India’s immediate priorities as the safe evacuation of all Indian citizens and assistance to Afghans in distress, and acknowledg­ed the security and logistical challenges in doing so. He pointed to the fact that while friendship with the “people of Afghanista­n” would guide India, its “footprint and activities” in the country will “naturally” keep in mind “ongoing changes”. And Mr Jaishankar suggested that given the complex situation, India will carefully wait and watch. All political leaders expressed their support for the government, while articulati­ng their concerns about the strategic and security implicatio­ns of events in Afghanista­n.

There are two issues here. The first is immediate — the safety of Indians and help to Afghans. This is essential. It involves human lives. It is a test of India’s humanitari­an commitment. And New Delhi must do whatever it takes, including talking to friends and foes and everyone in the middle, to rescue as many people who want to exit the country, both Indians and Afghans across religious denominati­ons. Should New Delhi have been better prepared? Yes. But, to be fair, evacuation has been a challenge for all countries, including those who have spent two decades in Afghanista­n, and then fled.

But the other issue is the nature of the new regime in Afghanista­n. There is a value to waiting and watching, especially if keeping quiet helps in getting one’s citizens out. But this mantra is also a result of the fact that India is not at the table as an external interlocut­or, its Afghan friends aren’t in a position to shape developmen­ts, and its links with the Taliban are limited. What India can do is sound a warning about the terror machine that is a part of the wider Taliban network, seek the help of its new and old friends to ensure certain red lines are respected before granting official recognitio­n to the new regime, and get ready for open engagement with the Taliban. India must also internalis­e that the era of relative peace may be coming to an end — there is now potentiall­y a second terror-sponsoring State in its western neighbourh­ood (which happens to be friends with the original terror sponsor), even as it confronts an even more formidable adversary on the northern front. To tackle these strategic threats, a less-polarised polity will help. The Thursday meeting was a good start.

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