Hindustan Times (Patiala)

Twists and turns in the road rage case


December 27, 1988:

Cricketer Navjot Singh Sidhu and his friend Rupinder Singh Sandhu allegedly parked their Maruti Gypsy in the middle of the road near Sheranwala Gate crossing in Patiala. When Gurnam Singh, 65, reached the spot in a car, he asked them to move aside. In a fit of rage, Sidhu beat up Gurnam and removed his car keys before fleeing so that he couldn’t get medical help. Friends took Gurnam to the local Rajindra Hospital in a rickshaw. Gurnam was declared brought dead. Sidhu and Sandhu were booked.

September 22, 1999: The

Patiala sessions court acquitted Sidhu and his friend for want of evidence, giving them the benefit of doubt. Gurnam’s family filed an appeal against the decision in the Punjab and

Haryana high court.

April 2004: Cricketer Sidhu joined the BJP and became the Amritsar MP.

December 6, 2006: The high court held both Sidhu and Sandhu guilty of culpable homicide not amounting to murder and awarded them three years’ rigorous imprisonme­nt besides a fine of ₹1 lakh each on both. Sidhu, who was the MP from Amritsar Lok Sabha seat, had to resign after being convicted.

January 23, 2007: A Supreme Court bench headed by justice GP Mathur suspended the conviction and sentence. BJP leader Arun Jaitley appeared on behalf of Sidhu, who was re-elected as the Amritsar MP.

March 16, 2017: Sidhu became a minister in the Capt

Amarinder Singh-led Congress government in Punjab in 2016. However, during the hearing in the Supreme Court, the Punjab government opposed Sidhu and defended his high court conviction. While Sidhu was a minister, Sandhu was the officer on special duty (OSD) with him in the Punjab government.

May 15, 2018: The Supreme Court set aside the lower court order and acquitted Sidhu of culpable homicide not amounting to murder. However, it convicted Sidhu under Section 323 (punishment for voluntaril­y causing hurt) and imposed a fine of ₹1,000 without any jail. September 13, 2018:

The Supreme Court admits a review petition filed by the aggrieved family on the quantum of sentence.

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