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ACROSS 1 In general (2,3,5) 6 A long time (4) 10 Improbable account (5) 11 Put an end to (9) 12 Sudden flight in panic (8) 13 Courage (5) 15 Form of parallelog­ram (7) 17 Betrayer (7) 19 A good-for-nothing (7) 21 A level in a hierarchy (7) 22 Book’s promotiona­l publicity (5) 24 Flowering climbing shrub (8) 27 A flower-head vegetable (9) 28 Ill-defined (5) 29 Variety of cabbage (4) 30 Alert (2,4,4)

DOWN 1 Enthusiast (4) 2 Large long-winged seabird (9) 3 Strongly desired goal (5) 4 Ingenuous (7) 5 Item of clothing (7) 7 A tropical American fruit (5) 8 Oppressive­ly hot (10) 9 Confused mixture (8) 14 Find nothing (4,1,5) 16 Without a saddle (8) 18 A reprimand (7-2) 20 The inside facts (7) 21 Oriental (7) 23 Up to the time of (5) 25 Underside of projecting roof (5) 26 Fresh informatio­n (4)

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