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Why waste your time and hers? She is clearly not interested


I love my boyfriend a lot. We want to marry, but my parents aren’t sure about his financial standing. He refuses to divulge any informatio­n about it and wants the parents to talk it out instead. He has stopped talking to me about personal issues saying that he doesn't know where he stands with me. I am feeling depressed because of lack of closeness due to which of which my indecisive­ness increases. Please help. MM MM, this is not very good. If he was a footballer you’d be issuing him a yellow card. That is a warning. Secrecy is a very dangerous thing. Remember the brothers Gileadean of Tbilisi Georgia? They were secretive and hated to divulge informatio­n. Once, a bear was creeping up behind one brother; the other refused to warn him of it. Although the bear turned out to be very just, and ate both brothers, it was secrecy that caused all the trouble in the first place. I say you give him his ‘yellow’ card. If he keeps financial secrets from you now, it’ll only get worse with time. Tell him to spill the beans, or send him off the field. I met a girl at my birthday party. We talked a little on Instagram. But, after a few days, she stopped replying. A friend told me not to talk to her. I don’t know why. But, I want to tell her how much I like her. What should I do? JS Firstly, you ‘gram’ on Instagram, you don’t talk. JS, have you ever talked to a painting? Or to a curtain? Or to bench? Did the painting talk back to you? Did the curtain ask for time? Did the bench say it’ll call you back? No there was no response. Quite naturally you won’t pursue a dialogue with the bench, or the painting, or the curtain? Then JS, why the hell are you pursuing this girl. She’s ‘switched off ’ you. Your common friend has confirmed the issue, so why waste your time and hers? She is clearly not interested. I’ve been in a relationsh­ip for three years. My girlfriend’s father wants her to get married. But, next year, I’m moving to Canada for post-graduation studies. Her dad won’t let her marry me. What should I do?

VM VM, when Genghis Khan’s army massacred the area which today is known as modern day Lahore, he had a choice. Face even more foul weather and dust by entering the Indian border. Land or go towards the cold climes of Russia. Since you are not writing this letter in Mongolian, clearly he chose Russia. My ridiculous point is that, geography forced his decision. Geography is also forcing yours. Canada is a good thing. It allows you to put all your cards on the table, including your Aadhaar Card which you won’t be using in Canada. You and her have to decide who’s life it is, her’s or her dad’s? Canada is a test. If she loves you, she needs to handle her father. It’s as simple as that.

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