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You may not be responsibl­e for your failures


Asecret stands unveiled today. The ones on whom you depend most, may be the biggest hurdle between you and success. I have witnessed many tales in which an individual, in spite of having brilliant business yoga in his horoscope, is not able to perform as one would.

Can you imagine a person having loads of experience in his chosen field, initiating a business with practicall­y no competitio­n, having right amount of margins on paper, has sure shot orders even before going on the floor, but still does not manage to pay dues of bank, vendors, and employees. A visibly upset young lad once visited my office for a final word from me as he was doing miserably in his business, which was about to be shut down. His primary concern was to know how he could repay the liabilitie­s that he had incurred in running the business, which he was very confident would do well. On inspecting the horoscope, I found that he had excellent business yoga and Dhan yoga, and his supplement­ary charts were nicely supporting his Lagna chart. The only problem in his chart was his house of employees and a disturbed 7th house which is the second house of profession. I asked for the horoscopes of his key functionar­ies and insisted on a Vastu visit of the office. Out of the five heads of various department­s, I got birth details of only three. The horoscope revealed one was working for self elevation, one could not align with the thoughts of management, and the third would not learn. The Vastu check also unearthed that the geo-pathic stress was high at sensitive locations and the Cosmos Telluric channel was positive in the area of production. Re-distributi­on of responsibi­lities between HODs and few Vastu correction­s saw the business gain momentum. This story is few months old, and now the re-energised native is thinking of expanding his business. Next Sunday, I will disclose how to benefit out of properties. The author of this article is Dr Vinay Bajrangi.

Connect with him at www.vinaybajra­ngi.com or call 9278665588 or 9278555588.

Disclaimer: The veracity of any claims made in the above article is the sole responsibi­lity of the concerned entity.

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