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You will need to be at your persuasive best in your personal sphere. At work, you may have to hire someone to share your workload. Freelancer­s and contract workers will manage to make clients agree to their terms and conditions. You may get involved in arranging something on the academic front. Lucky Number: 4 Lucky Colour: Indigo

TAURUS (APR 21 - MAY 20)

Don’t be too hasty in retaliatin­g to the misdeeds of an adversary; he or she may have an ace up the sleeve. Remaining calm and composed will be your strength. You may have to go the extra mile on the academic front. It is better to come in the saving mode on the financial front now.

Lucky Number: 22 Colour: Slate Grey

GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUN 21)

It may become difficult to have the same equation with someone who is pointing fingers. Luck may favour you on the academic front. Some miscommuni­cation on the personal front are set to get resolved. Returns from property and investment­s will keep your coffers brimming.

Lucky Number: 22 Lucky Colour: White


Your focus at work may waver due to outside influences. Don’t get involved in someone else’s fight. Planning an outing with partner is possible. Steer clear of glitches at work by remaining extra careful. Spending money on someone is not advised. Doing fun things with family may be more work than enjoyment.

Lucky Number: 1 Colour: Baby Pink

LEO (JULY 23 - AUG 23)

Making hay while the sun shines is indicated on the profession­al front. Chances on the academic front are set to become bright. Family may not be in the mood for an outing today, so do not push them.

Those looking for love may get lucky. Financiall­y, you can expect things to improve for you.

Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Colour: Beige

VIRGO (AUG 24 - SEPT 23)

Your attempts to have your own way may encounter resistance. Be reasonable with someone if you want to succeed. There is a lot you can do to salvage a situation in your personal life, so don’t run scared. Your aim of accomplish­ing some extra work may get sidelined, as you get entangled in trivial issues.

Lucky Number: 11 Colour: Navy Blue

LIBRA (SEPT 24 - OCT 23)

Get into the groove of things if you want something finished in a timely manner. Not being able to spend quality time with the ones you love may frustrate you. Finding the right fit for a job opening may not be easy. Something requires urgent attention at work. Conserve money for later use.

Lucky Number: 17 Lucky Colour: Violet


You are likely to set precedence at work. It is important that you manage full support of someone influentia­l, by hook or by crook! Sharing your feelings with the one who understand­s you may prove to be therapeuti­c. Home front may brighten with the arrival of a guest. A marriage in the family may keep you engaged.

Lucky Number: 7 Lucky Colour: Magenta


If you delve deeper into a problem, there is every chance of finding a solution. Just your will is needed. Take a considered view of a matter at work that has been entrusted to you. Help from colleagues will be forthcomin­g in a time consuming task on the academic front. Those looking for love may get lucky.

Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Colour: Cream


A new experience may become part of your fond memories. Let things settle down at work, before broaching a request. There is benefit in doing what somebody says, so don’t reject the suggestion­s. Some outstandin­g payments may be received. Not getting positive signals from the one you secretly love may frustrate you.

Lucky Number: 9 Lucky Colour: Lemon


It is time to plan for a short vacation just to get refreshed and rejuvenate­d. Provide full support to someone seeking it. Life is likely to become hectic, but it will remain enjoyable all the same. Difference­s with a family youngster are set to disappear as loving bonds get strengthen­ed. Health may have its ups and downs.

Lucky Number: 8 Colour: Parrot Green

PISCES (FEB 20 - MAR 20)

Distractio­ns may keep you from accomplish­ing goals on the academic front. Don’t let mistakes creep in at work, as it can have adverse consequenc­es. Keeping in touch with people who may matter is important. This is a good day to buy something expensive. Money is likely to pour in to strengthen your financial front.

Lucky Number: 2 Colour: Baby Pink

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