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Something worrying you at work is likely to be sorted out. Pending bills and other financial issues can take up your day. You can get motivated to start an exercise regimen and benefit. You will be able to make the best of the situation that presents itself at work today. Chance to put somebody you dislike on the mat may materialis­e on the family front. Travelling long distance will be without any hitches. Some of you can go legal in asserting your rights.

Love Focus: Your romantic feelings will be fully reciprocat­ed by lover. Lucky Number: 15 Lucky Colour: Lavender

Keep investment options open for the best scheme. You can be in a mental turmoil regarding an option on the profession­al front, but you will make the right choice. You may decide to shed lethargy and become regular in workouts to enjoy good health. On the property front, read in between the lines before signing a deal. A close competitor on the academic front may pip you to the post, if you don’t tighten your belt.

Love Focus: It may be difficult to fathom the mood of partner today, but you manage it fine!

Lucky Number: 18 Lucky Colour: Pink

(APR 21 - MAY 20)

Money matters will be sorted out. A senior’s moral lecture may bore you, but look inspired! Yoga and meditation promise to counter moodiness, so go for it. Concern for marriage of someone eligible in the family may become a source of anxiety. You may be called upon to accompany someone out of town. Don’t be hasty in property matters. Your aptitude for something on the academic front may become your greatest asset.

Love Focus: Fires of passion will get reignited to make the romantic front exciting.

Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Colour: Red

(MAY 21 - JUN 21)

Someone’s advice on investment may be well worth it. On the profession­al front, you will have time on your hands to complete what all is pending for long. Initiative taken on the fitness front will give positive results. Keep close watch on the developmen­ts on the family front. It is an auspicious time for those wishing to set out on a pilgrimage. Property matters may take up your time today.

Love Focus: Nurturing your personal relationsh­ips is certain to strengthen loving bonds.

Lucky Number: 8 Lucky Colour: Dark Turquoise

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