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Decoded: Reasons why people struggle to leave unhealthy relationsh­ips


Leaving a relationsh­ip is a big step — often a result of years of contemplat­ion — even if the bond is toxic and is hampering one’s emotional well-being. A combinatio­n of factors are at play that make a person stay in an unhealthy relationsh­ip.

In a social media post, psychother­apist Emily H Sanders addressed the issue and wrote, “The truth is, leaving a relationsh­ip is a process. It takes time. Sometimes it takes a LOT of time, as many chosen life


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Indigo transition­s do (sic).” She noted down a few reasons which make people struggle to leave unhealthy relationsh­ips.

Sometimes, one hopes their partner to change for the better. This wait makes them stay back.

When there are children involved, the stakes seem higher, and worrying for the kids makes a couple reconsider breaking up.

When one is not financiall­y secure and depends on the partner for money and resources, it can get increasing­ly difficult to leave the relationsh­ip.

We often feel that we have invested a lot of time, energy and emotions in the relationsh­ip and if we leave, it all may just get wasted.

The relationsh­ip may have started on a great note. So, we often go back to those moments and try to hold on to the memory, hoping that the happy phase will return.

Things may seem great one moment, and the next moment, they might not. This confusion can make one cling to the partner.

Worries of not being able to find another person can also make someone stay back in an unhealthy relationsh­ip.

The thought of going through heartbreak can be scary and hold a person back.

Concern for the partner, and what they may go through if one leaves them, can also make one stay.

In toxic relationsh­ips, the partner can often make one feel that the* problem is with them. This makes one try to fix themselves, hoping for better and happier days.

Often, friends and families, who are perhaps not aware of the toxicity, advise a person to stay back in the relationsh­ip, influencin­g their decision.

When one fails to get what they are looking for, they may try to lower their expectatio­ns and adjust in the present relationsh­ip.


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