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Sonakshi Sinha talks about the biggest compliment for her new fitter self, and reuniting with her first Bollywood costar

- Pooja Sharma What’s the drive for this change? ■ pooja.sharma@htlive.com

The change in Sonakshi Sinha has been visible of late — it’s there on the magazine covers and her public appearance­s. Eight years into her Bollywood career, now 31, the actor looks her fittest best, with a lot more muscle tone. She has also been experiment­ing boldly with her sartorial choices, feeling “more at ease” with her body. Sonakshi tells us how she got this urge to push the limits of fitness and what it means for her, at this stage in her showbiz career. You can bring about a change in yourself only if it comes from within. I’m really happy I found a form of workout that works really well for my body and an amazing trainer to help me with it. I do Pilates, and it really has put me on a wonderful journey of fitness. This drive came very randomly, actually. My dates for a shoot got pushed, and I suddenly had a lot of free time on my hand, so, I started doing Pilates. It was something I wanted to try for a very long time. I finally did, and got even more motivated when I started seeing the results.

What’s the best compliment you’ve received for it?

The best compliment is that I am at my fittest best. Some people have even told me I’m looking better and younger than I did in my first film, and that really feels amazing.

Does being fitter help with your fashion choices and a better wardrobe?

Definitely. You’re more at ease with your body, a lot more options open up and, most importantl­y, you feel good about yourself. And honestly, that’s what helps you look your best.

Are there excessive fitness goals in showbiz now, owing to a changing mindset?

It’s always good to be fit, no matter what field you are in. The movies are a visual medium and people do expect actors to fit in a certain mould. But even as actors, I think the fitter you are, the better you’re able to do your job. Today, actors can take a call on how they need to look depending on the roles they do.

You have Kalank, Dabangg 3, and Mission Mangal in your kitty. At this point in your career, what’s your priority: a profitdriv­en commercial entertaine­r or an offbeat film?

[The industry and the box office have] become so unpredicta­ble that it’s the best time now to take risks. Right now, my priority is to do great roles, no matter what kind of film it may be. Box-office success is very important, but being appreciate­d for your work is equally so. Sometimes, you get either-or, and when sometimes you get both, it obviously feels great.

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