Hindustan Times (Ranchi)

Don’t succumb to the Yalta temptation

Ukraine will stand up to Russia’s expansioni­st designs. We refuse to play the part of hapless victim in future history textbooks

- Yuliya Tymoshenko Yuliya Tymoshenko is a candidate for president in the May election The views expressed by the author are personal Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2014

The quiet period between the declaratio­n of war in September 1939 and the Nazi blitz on Belgium and France in May 1940 is often called ‘The Phony War’. Since Russia invaded and annexed Crimea, and began massing troops on our eastern border, Ukrainians have been living through a phony peace.

There is nothing phony, however, about the efforts we are now making to defend our country and democracy. Our government has negotiated a standby loan agreement that we need to get our financial and economic house in order. This will impose economic pain, but we are ready to pay the price to preserve our independen­ce. We are also increasing our defence spending, despite our economy’s precarious state. There will be no more surrenderi­ng of our territory.

Most important, next month, Ukrainians will choose a new president — the best rebuke possible to Russian propaganda about our supposed failure to uphold democracy. And yet, as Ukrainians work to rebuild our country after Viktor Yanukovych’s predatory rule, we are facing a new threat, in the form of a “peace offensive” — that old staple of Soviet diplomacy designed to undermine the West’s resolve.

Putin’s gambit is akin to the infamous Yalta Conference in 1945, where Joseph Stalin made Winston Churchill and Franklin D Roosevelt complicit in a division of Europe. Today, Putin is seeking to make the West complicit in the dismemberm­ent of Ukraine by negotiatin­g a Kremlin-designed federal constituti­on that would create a dozen Crimeas — bite-size chunks that Russia could devour later.

Of course, federalism sounds like a good thing. But for Putin, a federal system is a means for the Kremlin to make political mischief and incorporat­e Ukraine’s eastern and southern regions into the Russian Federation. Look at the Russian proposal’s fine print: Ukraine’s new federal units would have a powerful say over Ukraine’s foreign-policy direction. That provision would enable Putin to try to coerce Russianspe­aking regions into vetoing the country’s European future.

Ukraine’s constituti­onal structure is for only us to decide. Ukraine is not Bosnia or Kosovo, Ukraine is a sovereign State. To buy into Putin’s sham federalism is to accept the lies that the Kremlin has been spewing about Ukraine’s interim government and the brave people who ousted Yanukovych.

Putin’s factotums claim that Ukraine’s Russian speakers are under threat, but they cannot point to a single case of persecutio­n. There is no oppression of Russian speakers in Ukraine, and there never has been. Ukraine’s government under Yanukovych was corrupt but was an equaloppor­tunity oppressor.

The desire of diplomats to find a peaceful solution to Ukraine’s crisis is understand­able. But the terms that Russia is demanding, if accepted by the West, would undermine Ukraine’s sovereignt­y; worse, accepting Russia’s terms would ratify the idea that powerful countries may bully less powerful neighbours into doing their bidding, to the point of surrenderi­ng their independen­ce.

Ukraine will stand up to the bully — on our own, if necessary. We refuse to play the part of hapless victim in future history textbooks.

 ??  ?? Ukraine’s constituti­onal structure is for only its people to decide
Ukraine’s constituti­onal structure is for only its people to decide

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