Hindustan Times (Ranchi)



- letters@hindustant­imes.com

WASHINGTON:US President Donald Trump has threatened to end what he called the “ridiculous” US policy of birthright citizenshi­p, which gives citizenshi­p automatica­lly to those born in America, as he sought ways to check illegal immigratio­n.

“We’re looking at that very seriously, birthright citizenshi­p. It’s frankly ridiculous,” Trump said on Wednesday while responding to a question on the birthright citizenshi­p, which grants automatic citizenshi­p to those born in the US. His comments echoes his administra­tion’s previous vow to unilateral­ly end the process by which babies born in the country automatica­lly become US citizens.

“Birthright citizenshi­p where you have a baby on our land, you walk over the border, have a baby, congratula­tions, the baby is now a US citizen. We’re looking at it very, very seriously,” Trump said. During his 2016 presidenti­al campaign, Trump had said that he will end the birthright citizenshi­p.

The 14th amendment of the US Constituti­on guarantees birthright citizenshi­p and states, “All persons born or naturalise­d in the US and subject to the jurisdicti­on thereof, are citizens of the US and of the State wherein they reside.”

Indian-origin US presidenti­al hopeful Kamala Harris, a Democratic senator from California, mocked Trump’s comments on Twitter on Wednesday, stating he “should ‘seriously’ consider reading the Constituti­on”.

Trump’s statement came as the administra­tion announced a proposal to detain undocument­ed families together indefinite­ly, replacing the agreement that set a 20-day limit for holding children, The Hill reported.

His administra­tion enacted and later reversed a “zero tolerance” policy that led to the separation of thousands of migrant families. He has also sought changes to asylum laws to keep refugees in Mexico while they wait to be processed.

The White House last week unveiled a rule that would make it more difficult for some immigrants to obtain green cards, the report said.

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 ?? REUTERS ?? A man writes on a large US flag as part of a protest called 'United States of Immigrants', aimed to demand respect for the migrants, near a border wall in El Paso, Texas.
REUTERS A man writes on a large US flag as part of a protest called 'United States of Immigrants', aimed to demand respect for the migrants, near a border wall in El Paso, Texas.

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