Hindustan Times (Ranchi)


Pak PM says his worry is that this can escalate and for two nuclear-armed countries, it should be alarming for the world

- letters@hindustant­imes.com

ISLAMABAD: Intensifyi­ng his criticism of India following the revocation of the special status to Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has said he would no longer seek a dialogue with New Delhi and raised the threat of a military escalation between the nuclear-armed neighbours.

“There is no point in talking to them (Indian officials). I mean, I have done all the talking. Unfortunat­ely, now when I look back, all the overtures that I was making for peace and dialogue, I think they took it for appeasemen­t. There is nothing more that we can do,” Khan told New York Times in an interview published on Wednesday.

ISLAMABAD: Intensifyi­ng his criticism of India following the revocation of the special status to Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that he would no longer seek a dialogue with New Delhi and raised the threat of a military escalation between the nucleararm­ed neighbours.

“There is no point in talking to them (Indian officials). I mean, I have done all the talking. Unfortunat­ely, now when I look back, all the overtures that I was making for peace and dialogue, I think they took it for appeasemen­t. There is nothing more that we can do,” Khan told the New York Times in an interview published on Wednesday.

During the interview at the Prime Minister’s Office in Islamabad, a day after he had a telephonic conversati­on with US President Donald Trump, Khan complained about what he described as “repeated rebuffs from (Indian) Prime Minister Narendra Modi at his appeals for communicat­ion” -- both before and after the Indian government’s move to abrogate provisions of Article 370 for Jammu and Kashmir.

Talking about heightenin­g tensions between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, the cricketer-turned-politician said: “... You are looking at two nucleararm­ed countries eyeball to eyeball, and anything can happen.

“My worry is that this can escalate and for two nucleararm­ed countries, it should be alarming for the world what we are facing now.”

There was no immediate comment from the Indian government

There is no point in talking to them (Indian officials). I mean, I have done all the talking. Unfortunat­ely, now when I look back, all the overtures that I was making for peace and dialogue, I think they took it for appeasemen­t. IMRAN KHAN, Pakistani PM

in New Delhi on Khan’s remarks. Indian Ambassador to the US, Harsh Vardhan Shringla, however, rejected the criticism.

“Our experience has been that every time we have taken an initiative towards peace, it has turned out badly for us,” he said, adding: “We expect Pakistan to take credible, irreversib­le and verifiable action against terrorism.”

The Ambassador also said that things were going “back to normal” in Kashmir.

“Restrictio­ns are being eased based on the ground situation. Public utility services, banks and hospitals are functionin­g normally,” he said.

“There are adequate food stocks. Some restrictio­ns on communicat­ion are in the interests of safety and security of the citizenry.”

Pakistan’s move to get Kashmir discussed at the UN Security Council (UNSC), thanks to China, did not get much traction. The issue was discussed behind closed doors and the UNSC backed India’s position that its move on Kashmir was to bring about more developmen­t.

Islamabad later said it will take the Kashmir issue to the Internatio­nal Court of Justice.

 ?? REUTERS FILE ?? Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan says he has done all the talking.
REUTERS FILE Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan says he has done all the talking.

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