Hindustan Times (Ranchi)


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NEW DELHI: Government think tank Niti Aayog on Thursday made a case for extraordin­ary steps to deal with the unpreceden­ted stress in the financial sector which has resulted in an economic slowdown in the country. The government needs to take steps which eliminate apprehensi­on from the minds of private sector players and encourage them to step up investment­s, Niti Aayog vice chairman Rajiv Kumar said.

NEW DELHI: Government think tank Niti Aayog on Thursday made a case for extraordin­ary steps to deal with the unpreceden­ted stress in the financial sector which has resulted in an economic slowdown in the country.

The government needs to take steps which eliminate apprehensi­on from the minds of private sector players and encourage them to step up investment­s, Niti Aayog vice chairman Rajiv Kumar said.

He also said private investment­s will drive India out of the middle income trap.

Terming the stress in the financial sector as unpreceden­ted, he said nobody had faced this sort of situation in the last 70 years where entire financial system was under threat. “Nobody is trusting anybody else... within the private sector nobody is ready to lend, everyone is sitting on cash...you may have to take steps which are extraordin­ary,” he said at an event here.

Elaboratin­g further, Kumar said some of the steps have already been announced in the Union budget to address stress in the financial sector and give a push to economic growth which hit a five-year low of 6.8% in 2018-19.

Explaining how stress in the financial sector has led to a slowdown in the economy, the Niti Aayog vice chairman said the entire episode started with indiscrimi­nate lending during 2009-14 leading rise in non-performing assets (NPAs) post 2014.

Rising NPAs reduced the ability of banks to do fresh lending, he said, adding the space was occupied by the shadow banks with credit growth of 25%.

The non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) could not manage this high loan growth leading to defaults by some of the large entities triggering slowdown in the economy eventually.

“The whole nature of the game has changed after demonetiza­tion, the goods and services tax and the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. The earlier period where you had 35% cash sloshing around, it has become much less now. All of these put together it is a fairly complex situation. There is no easy answer,” he said.

On the issue of delay of payments by the government and its department­s to private sector in lieu of goods and services availed from them, he said, it could be one of the reasons for the slowdown but the authoritie­s are making all efforts to expedite the process.

“I have no hesitation in saying that there is no business of the government to hold back payments which are due to the private sector. At the moment, there is huge effort going on to try and get this sorted out,” he said.

 ?? PTI FILE ?? NITI Aayog vice chairman Rajiv Kumar.
PTI FILE NITI Aayog vice chairman Rajiv Kumar.

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