Hindustan Times (Ranchi)

‘BJP has unleashed a Tughlagi raj’


KOLKATA: Amid the row over irregulari­ties in SSC appointmen­ts, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Thursday slammed the BJP-led government at the Centre for unleashing a “Tughlagi raj” in the country and “misusing federal agencies to settle political scores”. Banerjee also claimed that there were many discrepanc­ies in government recruitmen­t during the erstwhile Left Front regime in the state, details of which, she said, she will “reveal soon”.

“The BJP is running a ‘Tughlaqi’ regime (referring to 14thcentur­y Delhi sultan Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq who was known to be wilfull) in the country and is trying to divide the nation. It is controllin­g central agencies and using those to settle political scores,” she said at a public meeting here.

“A lot of things are being said about discrepanc­ies in recruiton ment. The people are well aware of those who are involved in corruption. They don’t like such people neither do I. If someone has committed any wrong, the law will take its own course.”But this vilificati­on campaign should stop. During the Left regime, transfers were made and jobs were given by writing down names on paper. I will reveal the irregulari­ties soon,” she said.

West Bengal minister and TMC secretary general Partha Chatterjee was quizzed for over three hours on Wednesday evening by CBI in connection with irregulari­ties in appointmen­ts in government schools which has snowballed into a major controvers­y in the state. Chatterjee appeared before the sleuths of the investing agency following an order by the Calcutta HC, which termed as a “public scam” the irregulari­ties made in the recruitmen­t process.

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