Hindustan Times (Ranchi)


- Note: Based on an external study by Quantum: 28-45 years old, NCCS A, Female category buyers only.

India’s top omni-channel jewellery brand, CaratLane has launched the cultural campaign #WearYourWi­ns to empower women by encouragin­g them to reward their victories, big or small, in their profession­al and personal lives.

Often, women work tirelessly for their wins but may hesitate to acknowledg­e them. But CaratLane believes that regular recognitio­n of these accomplish­ments will not only boost confidence but also inspire women to achieve higher goals. Through this campaign, CaratLane seeks to encourage women to become more comfortabl­e with their milestones.

The campaign features popular content creator and designer Nancy Tyagi, who made headlines by walking the red carpet at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival in an elaborate, self-stitched gown and stunning CaratLane jewellery.

Additional­ly, the brand launched its PEAK collection to further boost this campaign. The collection was designed to celebrate every step of the wearer’s journey to success, and features a unique mountain-inspired ‘Everest Cut’, a first of its kind cut. The cut symbolises the wearer’s trials and victories, that shaped them as who they are today. Talking about the launch,

Jennifer Pandya, the Vice President of Marketing, CaratLane, said, “Enabling our customers to express themselves is our brand’s purpose. While most women are quick to appreciate their loved ones and their achievemen­ts, they are hesitant to acknowledg­e their own wins, whether personal or profession­al. According to a study* that CaratLane conducted in collaborat­ion with Quantum, only three out of 10 women celebrate their wins. As a brand that champions self-expression, we wanted to urge women to stop underminin­g their wins. Rather, we want them to acknowledg­e and reward themselves for their success. So, we see this as a cultural movement rather than a campaign.”

The campaign has been conceptual­ised and conceived by BBH India, a creative agency. At the occasion,

Parikshit Bhattaccha­rya, the Chief Creative Officer of BBH India, said, “Research has confirmed some dishearten­ing facts. Women often downplay their efforts, neglect to recognise their achievemen­ts and fail to adequately celebrate their wins. CaratLane is a pioneering brand, both in its business practices and its support for innovation. It’s fitting that it’s the first jewellery brand to inspire women to celebrate their victories.”

 ?? ?? The campaign features content creator and designer Nancy Tyagi who made headlines by walking the red carpet at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival in a self-stitched gown and stunning CaratLane jewellery
The campaign features content creator and designer Nancy Tyagi who made headlines by walking the red carpet at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival in a self-stitched gown and stunning CaratLane jewellery
 ?? ?? Along with the campaign, the brand has also launched its PEAK collection
Along with the campaign, the brand has also launched its PEAK collection

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