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The cheat sheets

As a recent survey says people are likely to cheat if they could keep their liaison a secret, experts tell us why this is happening, and talk about the different forms of cheating

- Collin Rodrigues

Recently, the results of the annual Hindustan TIMES-MARS Youth Survey 2016 was declared. The survey covered a wide array of subjects in the country, including relationsh­ips. One of the most startling aspects of the survey that caught our attention was the topic of cheating. Among those who participat­ed in the poll, 22.3% said that they would cheat on their partner if they had the option of keeping it a secret. Though the number seems small overall, city-wise the figures give a different picture. In Mumbai 29.6% said they would cheat. Delhi topped the list with 48% participan­ts saying they would cheat on their partner. Other cities included Chandigarh (30.2%), Chennai (27.9%) and Lucknow (25%) among others.


Why are so many people open to cheating if it’s kept a secret Says Dr Suyog V Jaiswal, assistant professor in psychiatry, HBT Medical College, “Humans are social animals who abide by social norms. We have urges and we satisfy them within permissibl­e limits in society. These urges were called id by Sigmund Freud and the moral values were referred to as superego. In cases where the moral value is weak, one finds the way for urges to take over if the consequenc­es of it can be escaped. The moral values of people in general are the result of the experience­s of fellow society members getting away with it. If the guilt is not there and social inhibition is removed, it makes infidelity more likely.” Clinical psychologi­st Tanushree Bhargava says that cheating wasn’t rampant many years ago, but times have changed. She says, “Nowadays, there is easy accessibil­ity to dating sites where people can meet like-minded people who can give them more happiness and comfort as compared to their committed relationsh­ips. Situationa­l reasons such as a person spending most of his or her time with other people might make him or her vulnerable to cheating.” People in the survey were also asked if they would say no to cheating, if given an opportunit­y. While 26% of the people in the survey said they were unsure, 22% said that cheating in a relationsh­ip doesn’t bother them at all. Jaiswal says these could be people who are dissatisfi­ed with their current relationsh­ips or aren’t serious about their partner. He says, “People who said ‘unsure’, are opportunis­ts, who would cheat if it suits them. In both cases the guilt of cheating is either not there or is superficia­l and lying comes easily.”


The different forms of cheating include emotional, physical and cyber cheating, among others. Jaiswal says emotional cheating is vast in its definition and is the only kind of cheating which totally replaces one’s partner on an emotional level and deteriorat­es the relationsh­ip. Relationsh­ip expert Vishnu Modi says that most people in India wouldn’t consider other forms as actually cheating. He says, “The number of people coming to me with issues related to cheating has increased drasticall­y in the last few years. Almost, all of these cases involve physical cheating. People just overlook other forms of cheating or don’t consider them as cheating.” While people may be open to cheating, one should know that it is avoidable, with a little extra effort. Says Bhargava, “In most cases people who cheat have valid reasons as to why they do it. Such people should open communicat­ion channels with a partner, or take help from a friend. Avoid situations which can make you vulnerable to cheating. Think about its consequenc­es before you cross the line. Take profession­al help if needed.”


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