Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur) - Hindustan Times (Jaipur) - City

Choose your gemstones with care


Gems therapy because of its simplicity has gained a mass following in recent times. Astrologer­s are suggesting different gems to people in order to help them overcome the troubled times. Also, the inclinatio­n of people towards wearing gems also makes astrologer­s suggest gemstones. Mansaagri, the rule book on astrology, opines that gemstones should be worn with caution because the right one can elevate a person to the top, while the wrong one can bring him or her down. There are many who have had a complete turnaround after wearing a gemstone. But then people are so keen to gain an advantage in their lives that they deck up their fingers with all sorts of gems without even checking its utility and negativity. Hence, people should refrain from putting on gemstones without Vedic checking of the horoscope. It is normally seen that gems are worn as per dasha/ period or to strengthen those planets that are weak. They are also worn to achieve a particular goal such as success in career, business, or to manage anger issues. But one should be informed that gemstones are worn put in any of the aforesaid reasons. Gemstones are worn only in the case when the tricona or the trines (1-5-9) are to be strengthen­ed without simultaneo­usly amplifying the trik bhav or the unfavorabl­e houses (6-8-12) as the strengthen­ed planet may be having dual lordship. Although this analogy is not that intricate, due to greed, sometimes people through gems, try to strengthen even those planets which he should have not, bringing his journey to a grinding halt. A gem will give results if the combinatio­n is not flawed, if a correct metal is chosen for the ring on which it is mounted, the purity of the gem is not compromise­d and it is energised through the right rituals. So, why wait if a costly gem has started working in the anti-direction. To get more informatio­n, contact Dr.vinay Bajarngi. Call him at 9278665588 or 9278555588 or visit website www.vinaybajra­ngi.com.

The veracity of any claims made in the above article is the sole responsibi­lity of the concerned entity.

 ?? PHOTO: HTCS ??

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