Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)

Be happy at this moment, and you will be happy forever

- Jagrat Taneja (Inner Voice comprises contributi­ons from our readers The views expressed are personal) innervoice@hindustant­imes.com

“What really matters in the end is”, said Gautama Buddha, “How well did you love, how deeply did you let go, and how happily you lived?” The last question describes the most important aspect and requiremen­t of life.

We become unhappy at the smallest of problems — a little rudeness by someone, a small misfortune in life, a little delay in something we want, even something as trivial as bad weather that has nothing to do with us and over which we have no control is enough to make us unhappy. We seek temporary happiness spending millions and travelling miles across nations to get what is already within us. It’s like a man who travels the whole world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.

In our ignorance, we spend a lifetime trapped in negatives. Live life like a master of all moments rather than worry about the coloured visions of others, and the past and future. We forget that the ultimate aim of life is to be happy and to spread happiness. Happiness does not come from doing what we like but from liking what we have to do. The easiest way to put happiness into action is to share your kindness, and you find yourself smiling at the same time.

Begin by choosing happiness. Live, laugh and love each day because laughter attracts joy, releases negativity, and leads to miracles. Create a happiness that requires no reason. Our job is not to figure out why and how to be happy—the “how” will show up out of a belief in it.

They say, The pursuit of happiness is a matter of choice. It is a positive attitude we consciousl­y choose to express… You deserve to be happy.

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