Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)

Venezuela oppn leaders arrested


security officials seized two opposition leaders from their homes in overnight raids, their families said on Tuesday, in what critics of President Nicolas Maduro said was further evidence that he is leading a dictatorsh­ip.

Leopoldo Lopez and Antonio Ledezma were both under house arrest, the former for his role in leading street protests against Maduro in 2014 and the latter on charges of plotting a coup.

Their apprehensi­on comes a day after the United States slapped sanctions on unpopular leftist Maduro for a new legislativ­e superbody, the constituen­t assembly, which was elected on Sunday in a vote boycotted by the opposition.

The new assembly will have powers to rewrite the constituti­on and supersede other institutio­ns, including the opposition­dominated congress.

Both men had been urging protests against the vote, which they charged was rigged and a naked power grab by Maduro to avoid free and fair elections which he would lose.

“12:27 in the morning: the moment when the dictatorsh­ip kidnaps Leopoldo at my house,” Lopez’s wife Lilian Tintori tweeted, posting a video that appeared to show him being led into a vehicle emblazoned with the word Sebin, Venezuela’s intelligen­ce agency.

“Maduro’s dictatorsh­ip is on the attack,” said opposition lawmaker Yajaira Forero.

Lopez had been holed up in the military jail of Ramo Verde until last month. REUTERS

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