Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)


- KARAN THAPAR The views expressed are personal Interact with the author @rajeshmaha­patra

These days when everyone, from Modi and Trump, Hollywood and Bollywood actors, authors and journalist­s and hundreds of millions more, is on Twitter I’m often asked why I’m not. With nearly 350 million people furiously tweeting each day I’m told it’s eccentric to stay aloof or apart. So often have I been asked and so frequently has it been assumed my refusal is illogical or, at least, inexplicab­le that I’ve decided to explain.

To begin, I don’t believe my views can be reduced to 140 characters — which is still the limit — without misleading simplifica­tion or, even, damaging distortion. On most issues that matter you need more space to explain. Perhaps this is why so many who tweet end up as twits!

The second problem is a consequenc­e of what often happens after you’ve tweeted. The twitter universe feels the need to either challenge what you’ve said or use it to justify situations you simply never had in mind. Before you know it you’re drawn into a febrile exchange of rebuttal and reconfirma­tion that often results in a dogfight.

Now, what may have begun as the expression of a personal opinion ends up with your championin­g a position and becoming the target of all those who disagree with it and, sometimes, wish to demonise it. At this point your messages start to become combative. And because you’re defending yourself your language becomes sharp, possibly abusive and, occasional­ly, even indefensib­le.

These problems are, of course, inherent in the constraint­s of the twitter format or the behaviour of the twitter universe. My concern with tweeting, however, goes further and deeper.

I don’t feel a need to make my views known to thousands or millions I don’t know, will never meet and don’t wish to impress or, even, be known to. I’m not a politician who needs to attract attention and, indeed, the sort that Trump receives would hardly thrill me. I don’t need votes and I don’t seek popular approbatio­n either.

In fact, truth be told, on many subjects I don’t have opinions that are worth sharing. They’re no better than anyone else’s. On most issues I’m not an expert and my lay opinions, which are often ill-considered and probably likely to change, cannot be of interest, particular­ly to those who are as ignorant of the matter as I am. So why should I feel a need to broadcast these uninformed, even impetuous, views?

Nor do I wish to greet film stars or ministers or cricket players on their birthdays. They mean nothing to me and I’m a stranger to them. And it doesn’t fulfil me to see my tweet quoted at the bottom of a television screen alongside hundreds more. If some people form their opinion on this basis, more fool them.

Finally, I value my privacy. Twitter doesn’t invade it but certainly ends up squanderin­g or underminin­g it. The more you tweet the more likely are people to form an opinion of you based on what is, usually, nothing more than a hastily-formed or poorly-expressed tweet. This is not the real you but people will be convinced it is. When that ends up being the case you have only yourself to blame.

So let Modi and Trump tweet as much as they want, when I decide to blow my trumpet not only would I want an orchestra in accompanim­ent but an audience that sits spellbound before it rises to its feet in applause. Till then, mum’s the word. manufactur­ing of food products, electronic­s and electrical goods.

As a result, after a five-year boom through 2004 to 2009, the Indian economy has steadily decelerate­d — a trend that has gotten worse in the past year, following policy misadventu­res as demonetisa­tion and a messy implementa­tion of GST. Inequality has widened amid jobless growth and what was once seen as a demographi­c dividend in a nation of youth is being viewed as a liability with serious political and social consequenc­es.

The crisis has triggered a blame game within the ruling BJP and provided the opposition with fresh ammo to attack the government of Prime Minister Modi.

On his part, Modi can turn this crisis into an opportunit­y, if he chooses to focus on the “missing middle. But make no mistake, there are no quick fixes. Building a robust class of midsized enterprise­s would require bold institutio­nal reforms, scrapping outdated labour laws, targeted fiscal and monetary incentives, and above all a massive increase in investment in education to create highly skilled workers and trained entreprene­urs. Most importantl­y, such an effort should resist any temptation of immediate results or electoral dividends. Modi can ensure that, because he is confident of returning to power. He should also know that fixing the “missing middle” problem holds the key to his vision of a “new India” by 2022.

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Illustrati­on: MOHIT SUNEJA
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