Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)

Delhi’s night shelters are hopelessly inadequate


Homelesspe­opledeserv­ebasicslik­e ahotmealan­dsafesleep­ingspaces

Delhi’s homeless have to contend with extremes of weather. The city puts them through scorching summer days and bone-chilling winter nights. And every year, just like with efforts to combat the onslaught of pollution, the government of the day is woefully underprepa­red. This year is no different. It is almost the end of November and there remains much more to be done. NGOs have estimated that the number of homeless people in Delhi may be as high as a lakh. This is not counting those who seek temporary shelter, such as those who are in the city for medical emergencie­s. The night shelter occupancy report on the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvemen­t Board (DUSIB) website reports that there are 236 night shelters in the city. Thus far this year, only 183 night have been set up; 73 are permanent structures; 109 are porta-cabins; and one is a tent.

DUSIB has also decided to ensure that stay in the shelters will be free until March 2018. An HT report has found that people are still being charged at least ₹10 for entry into these shelters that are expectedly overcrowde­d, and have no facilities to speak of. On paper, every shelter is to have hot water, breakfast and tea, but the reality is far from this. Many do not even have functionin­g toilets. And few serve food. The question of women’s safety is another one that merits attention, especially when it comes to shelter for the homeless. In a city infamous for assaults on women, there must be safety measures in place to allow women who have to bear the hardships of living on the street to feel a modicum of security in the shelters. Many homeless people prefer to brave the elements rather than spend the night in shelters because of safety issues.

Providing those who live on the street the basic dignity of a warm meal and a space to sleep at night is the least a government can do. Like the pollution, this isn’t an unplanned emergency and there can be no excuse for not being better prepared.

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