Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)

Tax overhaul cleared as Trump on verge of big win

- Agence FrancePres­se letters@hindustant­imes.com

MAJOR TRIUMPH US Senate passes $1.5 trillion deficitbus­ting tax reform bill WASHINGTON:

The US Senate narrowly approved a sweeping tax overhaul on Wednesday, putting President Donald Trump on the brink of his first major legislativ­e triumph nearly a year after he took office.

Hours earlier, Trump’s $1.5 trillion deficit-busting tax cuts cleared the House of Representa­tives, but a rare last-minute snag over parliament­ary rules will force the lower chamber to vote on the updated package once again Wednesday.

The deepest rewrite of the tax code in three decades provides dramatic tax breaks to US corporatio­ns, and families at all incomes levels will see their income tax drop starting next year, with the largest benefits going to the wealthy.

The Republican legislatio­n passed the Senate along strict party lines, 51 votes to 48, with all Democrats united in opposition.

The vote had appeared destined to a dramatic showdown, especially with Senator John McCain’s absence due to cancer treatment meaning Republican­s could afford only one defector.

Vice president Mike Pence presided over the chamber in the event he need to break a tie.

But with senators Marco Rubio and Bob Corker backing off their threats to oppose the bill, it carried through, and Pence pronounced to loud cheers, “the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is passed.”

In the House, 12 Republican­s had joined all Democrats in opposition as the bill passed 227 to 203.

“Today we are giving the people of this country their money back,” said House Speaker Paul Ryan, as he proclaimed victory.

Trump, who has pushed hard to get the measure across the finish line, tweeted his congratula­tions to Ryan and all other “great House Republican­s who voted in favor of cutting your taxes!”

The procedural snafu only became apparent afterward.

Senate Democrats said they demanded that three provisions in the bill -- including one allowing the use of savings accounts for home-schooling expenses -- be stripped out because they violate the Senate’s so-called Byrd Rule, guidelines on the kinds of legislatio­n that can pass the Senate with just a simple majority.

Democrats seized on the hiccup as proof that Republican­s were rushing to jam the tax cuts through Congress without enough study.

“In the mad dash to provide tax breaks for their billionair­e campaign contributo­rs, our Republican colleagues forgot to comply with the rules of the Senate,” senators Bernie Sanders and Ron Wyden said in a statement.

Republican leaders unveiled their final version of the bill only late last week, and Trump has demanded it reach his desk by Christmas.

Should the bill become law, it would be the Republican­s’ most important legislativ­e victory in the 11 months since Trump’s inaugurati­on.

The Republican plan is projected to add nearly $1.5 trillion to the national debt over the coming decade, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation. That figure drops to about $1 trillion when economic growth is accounted for.

 ?? AFP ?? Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, after the vote of the tax reform bill on Wednesday.
AFP Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, after the vote of the tax reform bill on Wednesday.
 ?? REUTERS ?? Theresa May
REUTERS Theresa May

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