Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)

Mehbooba Mufti’s Manmohan Singh moment in Kashmir

The transforma­tion of an outspoken politician into a taciturn, reserved person is bewilderin­g

- BARKHA DUTT Barkha Dutt is an awardwinni­ng journalist and author The views expressed are personal Shyam Saran is a former foreign secretary and currently senior fellow, Centre for Policy Research The views expressed are personal

Till recently, Mehbooba Mufti — a hardy, unconventi­onal woman working in a dangerous and male dominated world — held one of the toughest jobs in India. As the chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Mehbooba, a 59-year-old single mother, defied multiple orthodoxie­s, to build her political party, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), from scratch. Now she has been unceremoni­ously dumped by her alliance partner, the BJP, and the three-year-old government she led has collapsed. For months now, some of us who report on the state had forecast this. The assassinat­ion of journalist Shujaat Bukhari and army soldier Aurangzeb provided the BJP a perfectly legitimate context to implement a decision they had taken some time ago.

The question is: how did someone as intuitivel­y political as Mehbooba not see it coming? Why did she wait to be ousted and humiliated instead of leaving an alliance that was only eroding her popularity? The BJP clearly and smartly outmanoeuv­red her. And whispers are afloat that it could yet back a split in the PDP, or even encourage a new leader at its helm so that fresh elections can be avoided. How did Mehbooba Mufti not see the writing on the wall?

In some ways, this has been Mehbooba Mufti’s Manmohan moment.

Almost everyone agrees that in the second term of the UPA, the otherwise personally decent former prime minister became a pale shadow of what he used to be. Virtually paralysed by relentless allegation­s of corruption and an unwieldy power-sharing arrangemen­t with his party, he retreated into ineffectua­l silence instead of taking controvers­ies head on and scripting his own narrative. He also clung on to the post longer than he should have; a midterm resignatio­n would have not just been an assertion of authority, it would have salvaged his bruised reputation.

The PDP leader has made identical mistakes. Had she displayed the courage to abandon an alliance she was clearly uncomforta­ble in, she would have been not just politicall­y stronger, her criticism of the BJP would have carried a little more weight. Now her statements sound belated and all-too convenient. Just like the former PM, she isolated herself, surrounded herself by a small coterie of yes men, was suspicious of her own ministeria­l colleagues, stopped responding well to friendly criticism and almost entirely disengaged with the media.

In 2010, when her opponent, Omar Abdullah, was the chief minister and the Valley had erupted into a similar and prolonged crisis, he, too, had withdrawn into an inexplicab­le, uncommunic­ative shell: a mistake he admitted to later. At the time, as an opposition leader, it was Mehbooba who appeared emotionall­y rooted and authentic, more grassroots than armchair, more expressive than stoic and always more strong-willed than scared. As someone who has known her well for more than two decades, these are qualities I have long admired in her, even when she and I have disagreed on some issues.

But as the state spiralled into free fall, I saw Mehbooba become the very opposite of what I have known her to be. Her own party colleagues privately talk about fundamenta­l errors she made. She got into needless confrontat­ions with cabinet colleagues, either humiliatin­g or dropping several PDP ministers. By contrast, a coterie of unelected advisors acquired a disproport­ionate say in decision-making. And though no one will say it on the record, party members increasing­ly became resentful of the influence family members who did not hold any official post were able to wield in the administra­tion. Who would be her link to the BJP in Delhi also became a sticking point. Initially she wanted no mediators; she wanted to conduct the talks directly. Then when her (later sacked) finance minister was appointed as the interlocut­or for the agenda of alliance dialogue with the BJP leader, Ram Madhav, she became uncomforta­ble with his links in Delhi. Strategica­lly, she may have made a mistake in keeping a channel open only with home minister, Rajnath Singh, whom she saw as a moderate, and none with the other key protagonis­ts who were in fact calling the shots.

Some mistakes may have been tactical — and those can be made by any politician, no matter how experience­d. More bewilderin­g has been the basic transforma­tion of an outgoing, outspoken, warm but tough-as-nails politician into a taciturn, reserved and entirely withdrawn person who is so wary of the outside world that she is finally devoured by it. It is this personal shift in Mehbooba Mufti’s personalit­y — a Manmohan Singh like retreat — that is so much harder to figure out.

Perhaps now that the alliance is finally buried, Mehbooba Mufti may find her resurrecti­on: another chance to find — and be — herself. has already been rendered irrelevant by Chinese power, and that ASEAN centrality is a myth. Southeast Asian countries don’t wish to be caught in a crossfire between the US and China, or China and India. But their wariness about China is clear. Reassertin­g ASEAN centrality is a rejection of Chinese claim to centrality. The acceptance of ASEAN centrality gives the Quadrilate­ral more credibilit­y in the region and makes it easier for ASEAN countries to accept the Indo-Pacific construct. That Indonesia, as the largest country in ASEAN, has signed on to the concept will make it easier for other member countries to accept it.

The partners in the Quadrilate­ral spoke of an inclusive and rule-based order in the IndoPacifi­c. Is China willing to be part of a “free, open, transparen­t , inclusive and rule-based order in the Indo-Pacific?” If it is not, then there must be a willingnes­s on the part of the other major powers, including India, to constrain its unilateral assertion of power. Whether the Indo-Pacific dissipates “like the ocean foam” or becomes a powerful wave of resistance to Chinese hegemony depends on the path China chooses to traverse but equally on how the Quad countries strengthen their engagement beyond periodic consultati­ons. The unpredicta­bility and uncertaint­y unleashed by the Trump presidency has adversely affected the prospects for the Quad.

India has maintained various circles of engagement such as the Quad, ASEAN, BRICS, and SCO (Shanghai Cooperatio­n Organisati­on). These give Indian foreign policy room for manoeuvre vis-à-vis major powers and enhance its strategic autonomy. In this period of multiple transition­s this may be the best course to follow, but it is the Quad which may eventually emerge as the critical instrument to manage the China challenge.

 ?? NITIN KANOTRA/HINDUSTAN TIMES ?? The question is: how did someone as intuitivel­y political as Mehbooba Mufti not see it coming?Why did she wait to be ousted and humiliated instead of leaving an alliance that was only eroding her popularity?
NITIN KANOTRA/HINDUSTAN TIMES The question is: how did someone as intuitivel­y political as Mehbooba Mufti not see it coming?Why did she wait to be ousted and humiliated instead of leaving an alliance that was only eroding her popularity?
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