Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)

Govt turns to NREGA in a bid to counter climate change


- Jayashree Nandi letters@hindustant­imes.com

The ministry of rural developmen­t has put forward a proposal to use the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) — the world’s largest wage-based social protection programme — to achieve India’s third climate target under the 2016 Paris climate change agreement. The proposal was submitted on the sidelines of COP 24 in Katowice, Poland.

According to a preliminar­y assessment by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), droughtpro­ofing activities under MGNREGA can at least achieve removal or sequestrat­ion of about 197 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent by 2030, or 8% of India’s target. But if the work focused on climate change, the scheme has a far higher potential, IISc scientists said.

India is on track to achieving two of its three key climate targets — 40% electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030 and to reduce the emissions intensity of India’s gross domestic product by 33% to 35% from the 2005 levels. But India has been lagging on the third target — to create carbon sinks of about 2.5 to 3 billion tons.

IISc scientists said climate-oriented activities like droughtpro­ofing, which involves afforestat­ion and creation of fruit orchards, can contribute sizeably to meeting the target. Centre is already piloting climate proofing works under the scheme in 103 blocks of three districts of Bihar, Odisha and Chhattisga­rh, said Dharamveer Jha, joint director, ministry of rural developmen­t.

A team of scientists from IISc is conducting a pan-India assessProf India is on track to achieve two of its three key climate targets under the Paris pact. India’s nationally determined contributi­on to reducing CO2 emissions can mainly be categorise­d under these three heads.

The first two are to achieve 40% of electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030 and to reduce the emissions intensity of India’s gross domestic product (GDP) by 33% to 35% compared to 2005 levels by 2030. India has been lagging behind on the third target, which is to create carbon sinks of about 2.5 to 3 billion tons. The third target is linked with land use and on how much forest cover can be increased. ment of potential from MGNREGA by dividing the area into various agro-ecological regions and carrying out field studies in sample villages in each state. In 2017-18, MGNREGA may have helped sequester about 61.96 million tons of CO2 equivalent. Activities with the highest potential was found to be droughtpro­ofing, followed by land developmen­t, revival of traditiona­l water bodies and water harvesting, among others.

“Drought-proofing will increase the resilience of community by helping them to cope with droughts, and with tree planting there will be improvemen­t in soil fertility over time which in turn could help retain more soil moisture and better yields,” said Indu K Murthy, IISc scientist who is coordinati­ng the project with NH Ravindrana­th.

Under MGNREGA, at least one member of every rural household is eligible for at least 100 days of employment in the form of unskilled manual work at the statutory minimum wage.

“There are co-benefits of MGNREGA work. It is a welcome step that the government has proposed it. Planting of trees can benefit communitie­s and local ecosystems. It will be dangerous if the government promotes trees with high carbon sequestrat­ion capacity and ignore its contributi­on to the local economy. For example, corporate afforestat­ion projects are usually mono-cultures to benefit industrial needs while the needs of local communitie­s will have to be prioritise­d to make progress on the poverty agenda,” said Sanjay Vashisht, director, Climate Action Network South Asia.

Environmen­t ministry recently said it would focus on agro-forestry with private partnershi­ps to achieve the third target. Scientists from the Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have been presenting findings from their report on global warming of 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels.

Joyashree Roy, professor of economics at Jadavpur University (on lien) and one of the Indian authors of the IPCC report, said the team has been briefing parties about climate science and about its economic impacts. “A 1.5 degree C rise in global warming climate will be a poverty-multiplier: makes poor people poorer, increases poverty head count. Most severe climate change impacts are projected for urban areas...Climate change will negatively affect childhood under-nutrition and stunting through reduced food availabili­ty.”


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