Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)



Former dictator Pervez Musharraf recently said that, in his time, Pakistan’s intelligen­ce agencies used terrorist outfits to carry out bomb blasts in India, and the Jaish-e-mohammad (JEM) was one of them. He knew, but did not stop them. The JEM was working for the Pakistani intelligen­ce then, essentiall­y Inter-services Intelligen­ce (ISI), and does so now, along with other terror outfits such as the Lashkar-e-taiba, which have carried out attacks in India, and the Haqqani Network, which has targeted Afghanista­n and the Us-led internatio­nal forces there. It may even have had a role in the Pulwama attack, either directly by helping it plan or facilitate, or indirectly, by being generally supportive of the JEM and others.

The ISI is the parent terrorist organisati­on, a mother lode that feeds them, keeps them in business and uses them to disrupt peace initiative­s and regional stability. But the time may have come to hold it accountabl­e, designate it as a global terrorist organisati­on as its proxies, or, at least, name, shame and sanction officials linked to these groups or individual­s.

The ISI’S role in terrorism has been a matter of public record for long, affirmed and acknowledg­ed even by Pakistanis such as Musharraf. India, the United States and other countries have known it for longer. At a US congressio­nal hearing in 2011, Admiral Mike Mullen, then chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, said: “The Haqqani Network (a Pakistan-based wing of the Afghan Taliban proscribed by both the US and the UN) acts as a veritable arm of Pakistan’s ISI.”

India has repeatedly been the target of such groups. David Headley, the Pakistani-american who confessed his role in the Mumbai massacre, told the American and Indian prosecutor­s that two ISI officers — Major Ali and Major Iqbal — helped plan the attacks. And when Omar Sheikh — the PakistaniB­ritish terrorist, who was released with the JEM founder, Masood Azhar, in 1999 in exchange for passengers of the IC-814 flight — was being hunted for kidnapping American journalist


MARCH 20: A significan­t step in India's quest for oil was taken today. PM Mrs Gandhi released the brake to set the 500-ton giant rig in motion, signifying the commenceme­nt of the main phase of what oil exploratio­nists call "Operation Leap Frog".

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