Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)

Trump to propose US immigratio­n plan favouring high-skilled people


WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump will outline a plan to harden border security and overhaul the legal immigratio­n system to favour applicants who speak English, are well-educated and have job offers, senior administra­tion officials said.

Trump’s immigratio­n proposal, the product largely of senior advisers Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller and economic aide Kevin Hassett, is an effort to rally Republican­s on an issue that has often divided them. While its chances of approval by Congress seem distant, the plan will give Republican­s an outline they can say they favour as Trump and lawmakers look toward the November 2020 presidenti­al and congressio­nal elections, where immigratio­n will likely be a key issue.

Trump’s plan would keep legal immigratio­n steady at 1.1 million people a year, but family-based immigratio­n would account for only a third of that. Instead, highskille­d people with jobs would be given priority, and could bring with them their spouses and children, the officials told reporters at a White House briefing on Wednesday.

It would harden the border by building more of Trump’s coveted southern border wall and improve inspection­s of goods and people at ports of entry to fight drug smuggling. It would propose an increase in fees collected at the border to pay for border security infrastruc­ture.

Trump will present an overview of the plan, with details of the “very large document” to be released in coming weeks, the official said. REUTERS

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