Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)



THIRUVANAN­THAPURAM: The Kerala government has decided to issue special passes for tipplers, who have withdrawal symptoms and doctor’s prescripti­on, to purchase liquor. An order was issued on Monday to supply liquor to tipplers under prescripti­on during the 21-day lockdown. “Following the lockdown and the closure of liquor outlets in the state, there were instances of social issues including the frustratio­n and suicide tendencies shown by those who used to consume liquor regularly and the state government has decided to initiate steps to resolve the matter,” the order read. The order said those who have physical and mental issues due to withdrawal symptoms could be given liquor in a “controlled” and “prescribed” manner. “If such a person gets a prescripti­on from the doctors... he could be provided with liquor...,” the order read.

A recent study by the Imperial College London found that population-wide social distancing would have the largest impact in transmissi­on reduction, especially when in combinatio­n with other interventi­ons, such as home isolation of infected people and closure of schools. Studies also say social distancing measures give govts time to prepare for a spurt in infections

A WHO report recently concluded that the cordon sanitaire (restrictio­n on movement of people) imposed around Wuhan and neighbouri­ng municipali­ties ended the movement of infected people to the rest of the country. The lockdown also led to a steep decline in new infections

To contain spread, govts must identify infected cases and isolate them and their close contacts before they infect others. The govt can also use this time to build health infrastruc­ture, source ventilator­s, medicine, PPES for health workers, and accelerate vaccine developmen­t

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