Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)

PM attacks Rahul over ‘north-south’ remark

- Press Trust of India letters@hindustant­imes.com

PUDUCHERRY: Attacking Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his recent ‘north-south’ remarks, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday alleged the party’s policy was to “divide, lie and rule.” Not mincing words, he said the Congress culture of feudal politics, dynasty politics, patronage politics was ending and people all over the country were rejecting the party.

He also expressed shock over Gandhi’s contention that there was no ‘dedicated’ fisheries ministry. “...They are gold, silver and bronze medal winners in telling lies,” Modi said addressing a public meeting in poll-bound Puducherry, as he said people of the union territory were celebratin­g the “freedom from misgoverna­nce of Congress.”

Modi hit out at former Puducherry Chief Minister V Narayanasa­my, implying he headed a ‘high command’ government that served the interests of a few Congress leaders in Delhi.

He also slammed him for “lying” about the complaint made by a woman against the government during the Congress leader’s visit here a fortnight ago.

Pitching Puducherry as a region with potential in various sectors, he said the NDA wanted to make it the BEST, saying the acronym meant the UT being a hub of Business, Education, Spirituali­ty and Tourism.

Training his guns against the Congress, whose party-led government fell on Monday after it was reduced to minority in the wake of resignatio­ns, he said “the congress culture you saw in Puducherry for five years is how the party works nationally.” “Our colonial rulers had the policy of divide and rule. Congress has a policy of divide, lie and rule. Sometimes their leaders put region against region, sometimes they put community against community.” “They are gold, silver and bronze medal winners in telling lies,” he said, apparently referring to Gandhi’s recent statement in Kerala.

During his Kerala visit on Tuesday, Gandhi had said he was used to a “different type of politics” in north India and coming to the southern state was “very refreshing” as people are interested in “issues”, which drew condemnati­on from the BJP, whose leaders accused him of an opportunis­tic anti-north bias.

Modi also took on Gandhi over his statement that there was no ‘dedicated’ fisheries ministry at the Centre, adding the NDA government had set it up in 2019.

“Congress leaders says we will make a fisheries ministry. I was shocked. The truth is, it is the current NDA government that had made a ministry for fisheries in 2019.” “The budget allocated for fisheries has grown more than 80 per cent in two years,” he said, adding the earlier NDA dispensati­on under the late Atal Bihari Vajpayee had establishe­d a ministry for the tribal communitie­s as well.

Referring to the BJP’S sweep of the Gujarat municipal polls, he said the number of wards won by the saffron party was ten times that of his party’s archrival Congress.

 ?? PTI ?? PM Narendra Modi being presented a memento by L-G Tamilisai Soundarara­jan in Puducherry on Thursday.
PTI PM Narendra Modi being presented a memento by L-G Tamilisai Soundarara­jan in Puducherry on Thursday.

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