Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)

‘One cannot crossexami­ne the dead’

The author looks at the life of the Kashmiri-american poet, who was a prominent voice against injustice

- Chintan Girish Modi

I must have been around 15 when I first read Shahid. I instantly fell in love with his poetry. I remember reading poems like A Rehearsal of Loss and The Dacca Gauzes and before I knew it, Shahid had taken a hold of me. There was something ineffable about his language, something indescriba­ble. Although I started recognisin­g the political content in his poetry only in my late teens, it shaped my understand­ing of the world in so many ways. I think I responded to his poetry, particular­ly to The Country Without a Post Office, so viscerally not just because of the politics but the aesthetic beauty and what his language evoked.

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