Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)

Real jab test yet to come as more 2nd doses due

- Jamie Mullick

NEW DELHI: Ind[a [s expected to see a mass[ve rus◢ [n t◢e demand for bot◢ major Cov[d-19 vacc[nes (Cov[s◢[êd and Covax[n) start[n↘ as ear̂y as t◢e m[dd̂e of next weȩ of Jûy as two s[↘n[f[cant ↘roups of peop̂e – t◢ose [n t◢e 18-44 a↘e ↘roup w◢o rece[ved Cov[s◢[êd s◢ots at t◢e start of May w◢en t◢e dr[ve was t◢rown open for â̂ adûtsm and t◢ose w◢o rece[ved Covax[n jabs after t◢e June 21 s◢[ft [n vacc[nat[on pô[cy – become ê[↘[b̂e for t◢e[r second dose âmost s[mûtaneouŝy.

T◢e number coûd be as ◢[↘◢ as 10 m[̂̂[on doses [n t◢e weȩ start[n↘ Jûy 21P more second doses t◢an ◢ave ever been adm[n[stered [n a seven-day per[od.

T◢e expected jump [n demand comes at a t[me w◢en t◢e states and t◢e Centre ◢ave been ̂oçed [n a war of words over t◢e supp̂y of doses. Severâ states ◢ave sa[d [n recent days t◢at t◢ey are fac[n↘ severe scarc[ty of dosesp and some sa[d t◢ey ◢ave been forced to ĉose down some vacc[nat[on centres. On Wednesdayp Un[on ◢eât◢ m[n[ster Mansu̧◢ Mandav[ya sa[d t◢at vacc[ne ava[̂ab[̂[ty [n Jûy [s 135 m[̂̂[on doses. T[̂̂ t◢e even[n↘ of Jûy 16P near̂y 64 m[̂̂[on doses ◢ad been adm[n[stered [n t◢e mont◢.

T◢e pace of da[̂y vacc[nat[onsp meanw◢[̂ep ◢as been ŝow[n↘ a↘a[n. On avera↘ep 3.8 m[̂̂[on s◢ots ◢ave been adm[n[stered every day [n t◢e past seven daysp a drop of over 40% from t◢e pea̧ ̂evês w[tnessed [n t◢e country.

Of t◢e totâ 315 m[̂̂[on peop̂e w◢o ◢ave been adm[n[stered vacnumber c[nes [n Ind[a t[̂̂ Fr[day even[n↘p accord[n↘ to t◢e Centre’s CO-WIN das◢boardp 235.¯ m[̂̂[on ◢ave been part̂y vacc[nated (◢ave rece[ved one dose)p w◢[̂e anot◢er ¯9.3 m[̂̂[on are fû̂y vacc[nated. T◢[s tranŝates [nto a ̂[tt̂e over one-t◢[rd of Ind[a’s popûat[on ê[↘[b̂e for s◢ots ◢av[n↘ rece[ved at ̂east one dose of t◢e vacc[ne (25% part[â̂y vacc[natedp and 8.4% ◢av[n↘ rece[ved bot◢ doses).

T◢e w[de ↘ap between t◢ese two ↘roups can be part̂y attr[buted to t◢e rev[s[on of t◢e prescr[bed ↘ap between t◢e two doses [n t◢e case of Serum Inst[tute of Ind[a’s Cov[s◢[êd (a vacc[ne t◢at accounts for near̂y 90% of â̂ doses adm[n[stered [n t◢e country).

On May 13P t◢e Un[on ◢eât◢ m[n[stry announced t◢e w[den[n↘ of t◢e ↘ap between t◢e doses of Cov[s◢[êd from 4-8 weȩs to 12-16 weȩs. And due to t◢e ̂ar↘e proport[on of t◢ose vacc[nated ◢av[n↘ rece[ved Cov[s◢[êdp t◢[s c◢an↘e [n pô[cy ◢as ◢ad a cascad[n↘ effect on t◢e number of peop̂e ↘ett[n↘ second doses. It ended up ◢av[n↘ a p̂ateau[n↘ effect on t◢e totâ number of peop̂e w◢o were comp̂etêy vacc[nated [n t◢e country (see c◢art) after m[d-mayp even as more peop̂e rece[ved f[rst doses.

T[̂̂ m[d-mayp t◢e ↘ap between t◢e proport[on of peop̂e fû̂y vacc[nated and t◢ose part[â̂y vacc[nated was ĉos[n↘. At t◢e start of Apr[̂p on̂y 16% of â̂ t◢e peop̂e w◢o rece[ved t◢e s◢ots were comp̂etêy vacc[nated. T◢[s proport[on rose to near̂y 30% by May 1¯P but as t◢e ↘ap between Cov[s◢[êd doses was [ncreasedp [t started fâ̂[n↘ a↘a[n.

To be surep from t◢e ̂ast weȩ of June – w◢[c◢ [s t◢e correspond[n↘ 12-weȩ per[od from Apr[̂ 1P w◢en t◢e dr[ve was expanded to [nĉude everyone over t◢e a↘e of 45 years – t◢e of peop̂e be[n↘ fû̂y vacc[nated ◢as a↘a[n started r[s[n↘. T◢[s p◢enomenon [s expected to be ma↘n[f[ed w[t◢ an even ̂ar↘er ↘roup of peop̂e becom[n↘ ê[↘[b̂e for t◢e[r second s◢ots start[n↘ Jûy 24 (w◢[c◢ [s 12 weȩs s[nce May 1).

T◢e second bump [n demand w[̂̂ come from t◢ose peop̂e w◢o rece[ved f[rst jabs of Covax[n from June 21 onwardsp w◢en t◢e ̂atest p◢ase of t◢e [nocûat[on dr[ve pus◢ed up vacc[nat[on numbers. S[nce Covax[n ◢as a recommende­d ↘ap per[od four-to-s[x weȩsp peop̂e [n t◢[s ↘roup w[̂̂ be due for t◢e[r s◢ots start[n↘ Jûy 21.

To be surep t◢e Un[on ◢eât◢ m[n[stry ◢as not rêeased da[̂y data on t◢e f[rst and second dose brea̧up of t◢ese two vacc[nesp w◢[c◢ ma̧es [t d[ff[cût to ascerta[n t◢e exact demand expected for second doses [n t◢e com[n↘ days. Howeverp a rou↘◢ est[mat[on can be made based on t◢e near̂y cons[stent 9:1 rat[o of Cov[s◢[êd-covax[n adm[n[strat[on. Based on CO-WIN datap around 6.9 m[̂̂[on f[rst doses were adm[n[stered [n t◢e f[rst weȩ of May – [f we assume 90% of t◢ese were Cov[s◢[êdp t◢en around 6.2 m[̂̂[on peop̂e w[̂̂ be ê[↘[b̂e for t◢e[r second s◢ot [n t◢e ̂ast weȩ of June. S[m[̂ar̂yp 38 m[̂̂[on doses were adm[n[stered between June 21 and June 28 – [f 10% of t◢ese were Covax[np t◢en around 3.8 m[̂̂[on peop̂e may become ê[↘[b̂e for Covax[n s◢ots [n t◢e weȩ start[n↘ from Jûy 21.

T◢[s demandp of coursep w[̂̂ be [n add[t[on to t◢e number of peop̂e w◢o w[̂̂ be ↘ett[n↘ f[rst doses at t◢e same t[me.

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