Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)

In Afghanista­n, how India missed the bus


As I travelled to a small village in Kandahar on October 4, 2011, the day India signed the Agreement on Strategic Partnershi­p (ASP) with Afghanista­n, I could feel a sense of optimism and achievemen­t among Afghan officials, politician­s, business and women’s groups in the province. There was overwhelmi­ng hope that India would be an enduring and reliable friend. ASP was meant to institutio­nalise the gains India had made through its developmen­t assistance policy.

From the closure of its mission in Afghanista­n during the Taliban regime, India had come a long way in re-establishi­ng its presence in the war-ravaged country after 2001. Two decades later, however, with the closure of its consulate and evacuation of the diplomatic staff from Kandahar on July 10, India is left to salvage whatever little it can from its two-decade-long engagement.

As the Taliban captures district after district, the fall of Kabul looks imminent, unless the United States (US) and the internatio­nal community realise the folly of surrenderi­ng the country to the insurgents. There is uncertaint­y in New Delhi about how to deal with the rapidly changing Afghan scenario. The responses have ranged from support to the Afghan government to support for peace talks to even outreach to the Taliban.

The Taliban, it is certain, no longer requires the pretence of a peace process to capture power. That can be achieved in a matter of months by using extreme violence that breaks the morale of the Afghanista­n National Defence and Security Forces (ANDSF). Kabul can only hope to delay the inevitable by garrisonin­g its forces and retaining control over some of the urban centres, and allowing the insurgents to take over large swathes of the country. Without external assistance that resembles nothing short of the 2001 interventi­on, Afghanista­n is all set to slide into the chaos of the 1990s.

The swiftness with which the insurgents have continued vanquishin­g the ANDSF underlines two disturbing facts. First, two decades of military operations against the insurgents by the US and the North Atlantic Treaty Organizati­on (NATO) forces had little impact on the Taliban’s operationa­l capacity. In spite of the reported leadership squabble and factionali­sm, the Taliban was able to project a unified leadership, and recruit, regroup and arm their foot soldiers from sanctuarie­s in Pakistan.

Second, the billions spent on creating a modern security architectu­re comprising intelligen­ce, police and army wings have not yielded the desired result in Afghanista­n. Moreover, in the absence of airpower support, it will be a Herculean task for the ANDSF to curtail the insurgent onslaught.

President Joe Biden is unlikely to halt the pull-out of US forces by linking it to the conditions on the ground, let alone reverse his decision and redeploy the withdrawn forces. With the reported domination over a large chunk per cent of territory, the Taliban does not need to stay engaged in the peace process. Even if it does so, for the sake of paying lip service to the February 2020 agreement with the US, the Afghan government has little leverage left to negotiate from a position of strength. With the ANDSF’S resistance disintegra­ting, powerbroke­rs and warlords in Afghanista­n are possibly the last frontier the Taliban has to breach in order to capture Kabul. Yet, they too are jockeying for power and influence with support from regional proxies.

These developmen­ts are akin to the unfolding of the worst-case scenario for New Delhi, a return to the mid-1990s. The Taliban domination and civil war situation will effectivel­y impinge on its plan to continue with aid and developmen­t assistance. As violence intensifie­s, the possibilit­y of New Delhi being able to even maintain its diplomatic presence in the country will come under stress. India has already shut three of its four consulates. It could very well be a matter of few months before New Delhi will have to consider evacuating all its embassy and consulate staff.

India is in the midst of frantic efforts to avoid such a scenario. Since it is ill-placed to halt the Taliban, it has reportedly reached out to the insurgents to open a line of communicat­ion with the probable new rulers. As revealed by a Qatari minister, a round of backchanne­l negotiatio­ns might have taken place between Indian security officials and unnamed Doha-based Taliban leaders. However, it is unlikely that much would result from these delayed efforts to establish contacts with the insurgents.

On the other hand, reverting to its traditiona­l friends in the Northern Alliance (NA) is no longer an option for New Delhi. The NA, an erstwhile consolidat­ed and militarily influentia­l entity, is a poor caricature of itself today. The warlords, who comprise the NA, can at best hope to maintain little islands of influence with their militia, as the Taliban takes over most parts of the countrysid­e.

New diplomacy has taken external affairs minister S Jaishankar on a whirlwind tour of Qatar, Iran, and Russia. However, just like its reported outreach to the Taliban, these are much-delayed efforts unlikely to salvage the situation. Having pledged aid and developmen­t assistance to Afghanista­n of more than $3 billion and functioned under the Us-led security umbrella, New Delhi is caught on a back foot. Without emphasis on institutio­n-building in the long-term, most of the projects run the danger of reversal. While New Delhi may be trying desperatel­y to end its isolation from the Afghan developmen­ts, it remains to be seen whether it will be acceptable to the influentia­l regional players as a key stakeholde­r.

As Afghanista­n slides into chaos, New Delhi will be left to rue the missed opportunit­ies. Following the Us-led efforts in the security sector and peace process, India made little effort with regard to long-term institutio­nbuilding, stabilisin­g the security situation, promoting inclusive peace process, building an intra-afghan consensus, and preserving its gains. The projects and structures created by India carry very little wherewitha­l to withstand the Taliban’s advances and takeover. While there is substantia­l goodwill for India in Afghanista­n, not moving in fast to help the Afghan will turn the chessboard to its disadvanta­ge. In strategic terms, India’s loss would be Pakistan and China’s gain. In real terms, it would mean the erosion of goodwill of a friendly neighbour that looked up to India for support in times of need.

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