Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai) - Brunch

“It was challengin­g: my set up was not in India, but London”

- By Ribhu Dasgupta

The book was one of the finest reads and a page turner. The English adaptation was exciting because of the way Emily Blunt portrayed the character. It intrigued me enough to want to make a thriller adaptation in Hindi.

The difficult part about it was that it’s about a girl on a train looking at another girl on a balcony and the connection they have and how they end up being linked later. It was challengin­g because my set up was not in India but London and the trains there are not like the masses here are used to. But I wanted to stay true to the book.

If filmmakers can give a movie their own colour, they should. There are core audiences who will like the English version more even though they may not have liked it in particular.

For those hating the movie, we always have extreme reactions. I knew that some wouldn’t like it. The book was fantastic and the English version too but you can’t be afraid of making something because of that. There’s no way you can please everyone in life. Just look at bettering yourself.

I’m very old school when it comes to social media but I think memes are creative and a way to review the film. Someone is investing time and making a meme which is funny and a conversati­on starter, which works because then people will watch the movie!

Ribhu Dasgupta, 35, is the director of Netflix’s Hindi adaptation of The Girl on the Train


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